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Hey everyone! Thank you for reading this message. I have had some mental health flare ups the last couple of weeks which has put me behind for some shows.

What I am understanding about my anxiety is that it isn't going anywhere, at least not until I face it head on. And deal with my fears and and pain etc. Which is what I have been doing recently. And as an update for anyone else who struggles with this, things do get better and then back to being hard again and sometimes it is random and comes out of nowhere. But the best advice I can give for me and for whoever may be reading this is to keep moving forward even if that means pausing for a moment in the marathon of life.  Things do get better and eventually the brain will rewire for the better

Community 4x11 should be out tomorrow! And Chainsaw Man episodes will come out next week. Since this is a holiday weekend I will be taking time to spend with my family. I hope you all are hanging in there and also just doing great! Please have a wonderful holiday weekend <3


Nathan Elkin

Your perspective is very vocal and needed, stagnate at times but consistently is a two sided coin. It’s important to me that you continue your journey, but I’m curious what you think the end of the journey looks like. I look for the ideas I haven’t witnessed before, the spaces with less of a spotlight, a road overgrown by obscurity. Enjoy your lack of responsibility and discriminate to your heart’s content, 2022 is a saga and you’re in a resolution. Seek your answers in the embrace of loved ones, find valid questions awaiting in a crevice forgotten.


Thanks for update and I hope you're feeling better! Self-care is the most important thing. I'm glad you're so self-aware and present about it.