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Hows everyone doing lately? Any positives you'd like to share? Goals, accomplishments and even struggles?

I will make sure to respond to each of your comments <3

I know life is hard so I hope the content I have been releasing lately has offered some relief, laughter and possibly even tears. I hope that you feel a little less alone when you are here.

One thing I am trying to do more lately is exercise again! I have such a hard time keeping on a regular exercise routine I can go for like a week but I always fall off, any tips? I just want to workout for like a month straight. That would be a huge accomplishment for me!

I plan to start a few at home projects that I WILL accomplish! (Gotta make myself do it haha) When I get to them I shall be recording what I am doing so I can share them here and to youtube. Let's hope for the best!

We had a successful live chat last night within the Close Friends tier!  We are doing these live chats once a month. It is a place where we can come together and talk about our struggles and accomplishments in real time and share tips on how we are making life a little bit easier etc.

Thank you all for sticking by~ Your support is what keeps this channel and content going. You are supporting me and my children and my editors. I am lucky this is my job, this is a place of love and passion and I want to continue to bring more of my heart into the content I produce. I just want you to know that your support is taking care of a lot of people. Thank you so much

Hope these photos bring some happiness to you guys <3




I suggest getting a program to follow for working out. I recommend AthleanX programs. He has a ton to choose from and Jeff Cavalier is a professional PT and trainer for professional athletes. Best part to me, besides the fact that they work, is they are designed to keep you from injury.

Taylor Stuckey

I have been very demoralized and made self-conscious by my voice for years now. I knew I needed to have the dicipline to train it and practice every day, but something weird can happen to us where the anxiety we feel about something we want to change causes us to completely neglect the work to change it because it reminds us about how inadequate we feel. Well I'm happy to say that for a week now, I've been practicing my vocal exercises, reading paragraphs outloud, etc, every single day, and I already hear tiny improvements in my voice (I'm trying to feminize it). Just gotta buckle down and stick with it!!!


Im happy you are keeping up with this and that you are already making progress! &lt;33 You should feel proud of yourself :)