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Hey guys so I appreciate you guys trying to be helpful to me in the comments by telling me Levi and Mikasa‘s age difference. But it is a bit spoilerish in my opinion. I’m obviously not going to know their age difference if I’m on season 1. There have been some hints that her and Eren are going to be each other’s love interest. And that is such a spoiler. I expect to get these comments on YouTube. But not patreon. So telling me without a doubt that Mikasa and levi don’t get together really narrows down the possibilities. Also levi looks young. Allow me to watch this as blind as possible. I have already been spoiled on a few other things because people keep hinting at things. ALSO. In the most recent episode we watched I talk about how cute Eren is and how I’m falling for him. And this was without knowing his age. But now I’m sure that episode is going to get backlash. Anyways I’m done ranting. I just want to make it clear that some of the helpful comments are double edge swords. 


Alex Johnson

I honestly didn't know you would consider the characters' ages a spoilers. My apologize for that.

Loro Lukic

Considering the series, I don't see how knowing their age makes a difference or not. I didn't know their age until you wrote this post. There's a lot worse to be spoilt on! 🤙


People told you Levi’s age because it never gets mentioned or hinted anywhere in the anime so the only way you would know his age is by reading the manga. So it’s technically not a spoiler.


Thanks for making this post, the boundaries of our comments are now more clear and therefore we'll be much more careful when commenting. I'm sure I can speak for everyone when I say we care a lot about your viewing experience and respect you completely so you telling us this I think is a really good way to give us a good idea what to comment and what not to. Keep up the amazing content! Hope you guys are having a nice day/night.

Alex Johnson

For this specific case, Levi's age is never mentioned in the story itself. It's information that exists in content outside of the anime/manga like guidebooks, which Imon may or may not read, so I thought it would be fine.


Actually it's not even in the manga, it's said in the interviews. That said, I think Imon decides what is a spoiler and what isn't. If she says it is, then it is and we should respect that and comment accordingly in the future.


You’re right it is her decision wether she considers it a spoiler or not but like you said it’s only mentioned in the interviews so how would anyone ever know how old anyone is, though age really doesn’t matter in attack on titan cause no matter your age anyone can bite the dust.


I would never spoil you on anything that I would consider a spoiler. There are a million things I could tell you about Levi that would spoil things in the plot for you and ruin your experience. Levi's age is not a spoiler. It is NEVER mentioned or brought up. The only reason fans know his age is because the creator of Aot said Levi was somewhere in his mid thirties in an interview when a fan asked him and its stated that he's around that in certain guidebooks. You can see how unimportant it is to the plot since the creator never even gave Levi an official age since it plays no part in anything. Levi is an adult. That's all that you've learnt from this which is just a basic thing to note about a person. Fans giving you heads up to things like this that you otherwise would never find out by just watching the anime, makes you more aware and knowledgeable of things in the show and should honestly help benefit your viewing experience to clear up any types of confusion or stray questions. However fans spoiling things that are gonna be clarified on or revealed later, that you'll find out for yourselves by watching is unforgivable! That's spoiling things that ruins your experience and is just an asshole thing to do!


There is A LOT about this anime that is left ambiguous Imon because the creator is still working on it. I personally found the story to be really confusing at first and there are still questions that havent been answered. It feels like a war drama


If it's not revealed in the anime then why tell them at all? That means they will know something that they would never have known and could be considered a spoiler TO THEM. It's up to them to decide if they are told information that they would have never known to be a spoiler, not the people telling them.


It is a war drama lol, titans would be the equivalent of one side having modern fire arms to musket era weapons. You could still get kills with old weapons but, your K to D would be way skewed in favor of one side. Also, Yeah if they would rather not know that stuff that's fine it makes for more amusing reactions and speculations. Also, anyone who would give you static about your "falling in love comment" is trolling or just a loose trigger (goes off at the slightest touch) pay them no mind.


Whether you consider the age thing a spoiler or not since Imon is asking you not to reveal that stuff please just respect her request. Everyone is different and we want them to enjoy the series as much as possible because it makes for better reactions. Also confirming theories or denying theories they come up with can be a spoiler too. Try not to hint them towards whats happening with your knowledge of the anime or manga. I think saying stuff like "Can't wait for you to get to X episode" can be a spoiler. Cause then they know something big is happening in that episode and it can lessen the impact of the reaction. Just try to make it the best experience for them so we get the most out of their reactions as well.


Just stick to simple comments, they will learn everything in time smh

j c

Deserved rant. Patrons, y’all aren’t this incompetent. You love the show and want Imon to love it as much as you by telling her what you think are the details that make the show great. You’re killing the very point of reaction videos.


Armin becomes a Titan Too ups


I want to clarify that I am not upset at you guys. I understand that this was an exclusive fan need to know type of deal. But I think if the age difference is never mentioned in the manga/anime it must not be an important detail. And I obviously won't be watching any special interviews as I am trying to go into this as blind as possible. This isn't a spoiler but it just averts my attention to other things. I don't know how to explain it. But I would rather have found out on my own that Levi and Mikasa didn't have any romantic relations


Are you actually spoiling something on Patreon for me? Am I really reading this?


The ages of the characters are not like an important element of the plot in any way though. It isn't like this is information that is revealed at some point and by knowing this something is ruined.


You really shouldn't read the comments, not even patreon comments. People spoil too much with this show.


Lmao, i like how you're worried about backlash from finding Eren cute despite his age when you (and Abi) both already do that to about 70% of Haikyuu's characters anyway and received basically no backlash from that. You'll be fine lol.


It ruins my speculations. I thought levi and Mikasa may like each other and now that thought has been shut down. I want to be able o speculate on everything that helps with my viewing experience


i think the age information about age are in the info cards not said in the anime or the manga.

Melissa Whitacre

Oh btw Ushijima spikes the ball so hard it’s sent into the AOT dimension and bounces back forth like a pinball machine between the Titans and kills them all.

Daniel Gonzalez

I mean if you think it's spoilerish about the ages then it is but I just can't seeing Mikasa having room for anyone else in her life with how she is towards Eren I'm basing this off the episodes you've seen don't think I've gone much further in the anime and also different world maybe different age customs especially yknow with humanity being on the brink due to titans I can see that as a possibility so that shouldn't mean no for that reason but I think it's a no for the other being mikasa herself

Brandon Miller

I'd stay away from reading even Patreon comments if I were you. AoT is notorious for having fans that both intentionally and unintentionally give spoilers. I've watched a lot of shows, dramas, and anime reactions and I've never run into spoilers more consistently than with this show. If you want to stay clean, you really just have to stay away. Otherwise, I guarantee you will be spoiled by something in due time.

Jigga Man

The age thing would be a spoiler to me, If i was watching the Anime at this stage.. even though it's not important to the overall story, there're other theories you may have approved/dissaproved by introducing that information.. maybe they thought Levi was young enough to be a childhood friend of Eren/Armin/Mikasa? It's little things like that, and it irks me as well.


Well that sucks. I figured this would be an easier way to actually talk to you about the show. But not enough people have the self control to Just comment on the episode seen. I myself have wanted to talk about specific ways this show is written but haven't just because I was worried about it being spoilerish still. I genuinely don't think a lot of people understand what a spoiler is. It's literally revealing ANY THING that hasn't already been stated or shown in the show. Any. Thing. I hate it when people even go "Can't wait for ep 5, it's gonna be lit" or some crap like that. Still a spoiler. Just talk about the episode they're on please.

Champion Bescos

Shame people can't control themselves. I get it may be hard for them to contain their excitement, but they could stand to be more logical - if it hasn't been revealed yet, it's a spoiler. Simple. Love that you're so into the show already though, Imon, and are taking the right steps to prevent any spoilers from limiting that enjoyment in the future.


The age doesn't need to be talked about at all. It will definitely lead to other spoilers because that's just how people are. I found out what Levi's age was a while ago and still don't care. I never thought it was an issue. It's weird to me that people are making it an issue. Also can we all agree that it's almost impossible to tell ages in anime 😅


So annoying how so called "supporters" ruin shit for others..


Don't they understand they reactions will be better if they are completely in the unknown!


I'd be happy to volunteer as a moderator since i check patreon and youtube a couple of times per hour and i've read the manga till the end


Its clear as day only she "likes" eren like that idk who said EACHOTHERS interest. and RivaMika could be a thing. Hello J-Lo being a cougar and dating a 22 year old at some point RivaMika could defnitely still be a thing and i ship it since day one

Ken Drummer

Come on guys!!! We patrons should know better!!! Imon and Abi are trusting that patrons have their backs. Sure people on YouTube might spoil things but we patrons know better!!! Why are we patrons? because we enjoy honest, unspoiled reactions. Once something is spoiled it ruins it for them and us. Please we patrons need to be held at a higher standard and have our girls backs!!!

Nerd Chronic

Jesus, what a mess of comments. You mentioned avoiding comment sections for the sake genuine blind viewing, it’s a shame even some patrons can’t understand the value of letting you grasps concepts on your own to build your own experience.


well AOT is not very good at tell ages of people BUT we saw Levi as a scout when the their 5 years younger and you have to be 16 to join i believe and Levi was not new at the time he was capt. not really a spoiler they never made it clear that after the wall was kicked there is 5 YEARS!


this not really a spoiler AoT never really made is clear that that 5 years pass AND that tha MC it like 10 and then 15 and that makes Levi at lest 10 years older then them


Got spoilers about a certain character reading the comments of a baked potato cooking video...

Chris V

I don't think revealing a character's age is a spoiler since ages are never talked about in AoT and it is pretty much understood that the upper echelon of the military branches are all adults, despite the high mortality rate. I didn't even know that Levi was as old as Imon said he was (i thought he was in his early to mid-twenties) but it doesn't really change anything going forward.  That being said nobody should've have told y'all you can't ship this person with that person, it doesn't matter, ship whatever pairing you want, like whomever you want. The people giving you shit for liking Eren, are either doing it to bust your chops and don't really care or are just being dicks and don't really care as well.


age is not spoiler at all...haven't said that i didn't know levi was that much older than them..although that changes nothing


It's not a plot spoiler, but more like a personal one, if you like theorizing about possible relationships.

Nerd Chronic

What they're saying is the information clarifies certain outcomes through basic logic, which narrows their expectations of possible routes the story can take. They just want to keep all possibilities on the table as they're watching without outside information limiting what they can hope for.


Jesus THANK YOU. I honestly don't know why people really even need to comment at all..unless it's something like "I loved your reaction to this part." I HATE how everyone whose already seen the show feels the need to hold everyone's hand through their reactions. And if you end up coming up with a theory that's wrong, they WILL disprove it for you. Let's say there was a kid named Chuck. If you guys said, "wait..what if Chuck becomes a Titan too?" The comments would be filled with "lol don't worry guys, Chuck isn't a Titan." Like...why. What's the point of ruining people's theories? That's the whole point of watching a show. It's fun to have your own thoughts and ideas. But some idiot always has to act like they're so smart and helpful. Seriously just stop reading comments altogether. Even on Patreon. It doesn't add to the experience but it will definitely ruin things and make it worse.


^^^Yes this exactly it and it shouldn't be so hard to grasp. let us have our own experience with this show! lol


I subscribed your channel becoz of you girls’ reactions to Haikyuu. So Thank you for that. It is so funny and I actually go back and rewatch your videos lol so relatable. Boi they are so hot. Although the protagonist’s age is not even revealed in the anime or manga. I also argee it might give you a hint in the future eps which will give you some struggles and also to the viewers too. And i am pretty sure some of your audiences are newly watching AoT with you girls. Why people want to show offfffffff :(


And I also agree Eren is cute. His eyes are beautifully animated. The creators of the anime are teasing me. Send me help. Levi and Eren are damm....smokin’ plz send me help I cannottt.....anymore (fangirling moments)


Guys, whether you think it's a spoiler or not does not matter as Imon said she considers it is. So let's just please respect her on this and act accordingly. Also the people freaking out, please calm down, no one had bad intentions, it wasn't anyone's fault and since something like this won't happen again, I think we solved the problem already. Looking forward to episode 11!

August Svarén

well cant blame u for liking eren, I like mikasa prob one of the most beautiful animated women ever


I like strong female characters who have a vulnerable side, so Ymir is on top of the list for me. Too bad she has some strong lesbian vibes which is a major cock block for a heterosexual dude like me.

Joshua Taft

How is it so hard for people not to spoil lol smh?


I mean i dont blame you Eren is a hot guy and his titan form is hot too