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My Hero Academia 2x20 "Listen Up!! A tale From the Past" REACTION

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I love Jordan Peterson too, honestly. He handles himself so well when he's antagonized on the news or anything. I agree with Imon and Abby that heroes are more than just socking villains in the face. In fact, you can save lives without fighting at all. In the real world (Where there are no powers or quirks or anything) I think true heroes are people who go against all odds for something they want in life. That alone makes you strong and (with enough time, commitment, and determination) you can inspire others to follow you and can obtain the ability to save others who are dealing with shitty days, any kind of emotional pain, or even suicidal thoughts. To me, heroes are people who think "It's okay to be different from the rest"


You don't really have to BE alt-right to echo the same line of thought. I'm sure Peterson's fine as a psychologist but he's philosophy leaves much to be desired. My understanding of the alt-right is that they believe race to be a real biological factor i.e. all people with x are inferior and need to be separated or other, etc. While Peterson doesn't explicitly agree. he's largely against thought labeled as "Postmodernism"(post-structuralism, which came about as a result of WW2), which covers too many things to warrant a single label. Being against P-M (which covers why race, creed etc aren't defining factors) empowers ideas that alt-right thinkers employ and by extention making him at the least an enabler. He's audience is or at least was, a good part alt-right, so you have to ask why that is, and if the answer is his positivist psychology, why does it also need something that promotes a biological hierarchy.


Here's a video to explain his stance on Postmodernism and why its at fault.(I dont know if I should promote someone else's content here.. feel free to delete) <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cU1LhcEh8Ms" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cU1LhcEh8Ms</a>


As you can see in the black and white scene when All Might was talking about beating All For One, All Might demolished AFO's head. Which is why his head looks so nasty now.

Daniel Gonzalez

I get what you're trying to say but Endeavor by his job title and definition is a hero is he also a terrible human being and family man undoubtedly however the two aren't mutually exclusive but he does save people he doesn't just fight villains so asshole that he may be he's still technically a hero


But what line of thought is Alt-Right? And who gets to decide this? This is my frustration and concern with the labels. I am not Alt-Right and I enjoy his lectures and he has helped me tremendously with my own outlook on my life, as well as thousands of other people. The people who are on the Alt-Right hate Peterson because he doesn't agree with identity politics. They do believe that white people are genetically better than other races and this goes against everything Peterson talks about. And he has explicitly stated that time and time again. I brought him up because he seems to get smeared more than anyone else right now, and he is a good man. This video you sent me is a bit hard to get into. And I did watch the first few minutes. But it isn't something that weighs heavily on my heart. I may finish it another time when I am less tired. But my whole point was because there are a few bad seeds that listen to him, doesn't mean he is watering those seeds. He has a lot of followers from all over the world that are all different races, genders etc. This should really mean something to others.


just binged ur guys' binge. great reactions, nice style too!


I understand and want to clarify that watching JP doesn't make anyone alt-right. A friend of mine similarly watches him but isn't alt-right but refuses to engage with anything labeled postmodern because of JP. I just feel obligated to give people more options by pointing out that his dismissal of postmodernism and the shutting of that door to his viewers with such falsifiable claims, isn't fair. There's helpful ideas to be found from both.


Loved jordan petersons book, nice to know other people are out there.

AJ Evers

I love how the term "hero" in this show is pretty much a multi purpose social worker. It's a job and quite a few undesirable people are good at it.


That is fair. I am used to an all or nothing mentality on the internet lol. So I wasn't sure where you were coming from at first! But I think conversations like these are really great to have. And I can see where you are coming from


I see Endeavor as the classic 90s anti-hero (i.e. Spawn, Cable, X-Force, Dark Knight Batman) someone who does heroic deeds, but is morally questionable. This contrasts greatly with “golden/silver age” heroes like Cap and Supes who stood for the American Way and are wholly good. I think the manga creator did a fantastic job in bringing in those tropes of comics into his oeuvre. I like Endeavor; he is cool, but he’s also scummy-which makes him human and relatable. While All Might is good and upright, but too perfect. He is hard to emulate. Mark Wade and Alex Ross’ Kingdom Come is a great comic that talks about the difference between both heroic archetypes. Y’all should check it out.


All might isnt dying or anything, but the more he exerts himself the less time he can maintain his hero form, so he just means eventually he would have to stop being all might.


This is so true! Everyone hates Endeavor, but like why? It's true that he's kind of scummy but like is it really his fault for the way he is he's just a fictional character created by a Japanese man at a fucking desk in his bedroom like fucking chill everyone who hates endeavor and the reasoning behind them hating him is stupid because! Because his character is so relatable to like almost a lot of human beings because at the end of the day pretty much everyone is fake and is willing to go extra lengths to get what they want it doesn't matter if you're a good person or not! I personally love Endeavor! also you don't know really what has happened endeavor like he might've grown up in a household where a lot of bad shit happened and that's why he did the things he did to his wife and also you don't know really what has happened endeavor like he might've grown up in a household where a lot of bad shit happened and that's why he did the things he did to his wife and Todoroki just give the guy a chance seriously I can't wait for season three and the character development between All Might and Endeavor, because at the end of the day endeavor still looks up to all my and in his heart he's still a good hero! And has saved a lot of lives to earn that number 2 spot!


Beating your wife and abusing your child will never get a pass from me. I have strict rules against that. If he is just a fictional character then why are you also so worked up about defending him? He is badass at what he does. But what he does in his personal life is unforgivable


Dude, you missed my point. I was neither condemning or condoning Endeavor. He’s not “kinda” scummy; he’s full on scum. Beating your wife and “breeding” for an advantageous quirks is not good by any measure. Endeavor does, however, kick a lot of ass. Does that make him good? Not really, but he does perform good deeds making him not truly bad. He’s morally grey; neither good or bad. We’re supposed to be conflicted so that we can ask: what makes someone a hero? That was what I tried to get across.


i am, but id rather not get into spoilers just in case they read the comments

Lalisa Truong

Why is it so hard to believe that people hate his character though? Why even make such a huge fuss over it if they do? YOU love Endeavor, props to you. Other people hate him because he's scum that abuses his family. Regardless of whether he's a good hero or not, that fact still remains and for a lot of people, that isn't something that's considered a good quality in a person. We can also acknowledge he's a good hero, but consider him a trash human being. That's a valid viewpoint/feeling as well. Just because people are saying he's scum or that they hate him, doesn't always mean we don't at least acknowledge those other aspects. Also, this is my own personal feeling on the matter, but even if some bad shit happened in his life growing up, that doesn't justify nor excuse how he treats his wife and child. If anything, that's taking responsibility off of him for the actions that is solely his.


after he fights Nomu he brings this up, just not to Deku


I love that you respect Jordon Peterson. I was raised to treat people according to their character not their skin or gender. The idea of intersectionality that Peterson rails against seems so destructive.

Magdiel León

I’m not talking about the decrease in power. I’m talking about the first sentence in your original comment


But All Might isnt perfect and the show makes that abundantly clear. The author may have used heroes like Supes as a base but thats all it is used as, All Mights traits branch further out. His intense will to be the symbol of peace is what gives the perception of perfection. Behind that is a broken man who has fear, doubts, etc. but doesnt let that keep him from doing whats right. He has stated this, his smile is a way of tricking his own fears as well as reassuring the public.