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I am editing Metalhead as we speak so it should be up by tonight, and we are reacting to Black Museum tonight. So we will be done with Black Mirror. What shows would you like us to react to next? For Patreon? I will also make a video asking this question. But I wanted to ask you all first <3


Bernice Panders

If you liked BM, Electric Dreams is similar but looks more high budget &amp; has well known actors in each ep! Also, ORPHAN BLACK IS A MUST!!


Broadchurch or Babylon Berlin...both good mysteries.

Kelly Parks

Agents of SHIELD!

Kelly Parks

You know what? As much as I love Agents of SHIELD, you should watch Misfits on BBC. It's raunchy, funny, awesome X-men-like sci-fi. (But only watch the first two seasons -- it went south after that). Then watch Agents of SHIELD.


A great anime that you'd most likely love is My Hero Academia. Tv Show wise, The Punisher was a masterpiece


If you guys like teen drama, maybe 13 reasons why


If you liked One Punch Man, then Mob Psycho 100 is from the same creator. The Twilight Zone as a follow-up to Black Mirror would be fun. Orphan Black is a lot of fun. For anime, My Hero Academia is excellent and ReLIFE is a great slice-of-life show.


+1 for This Is Us!


Mr Robot is one of the best shows ever put on tv


Id have to go with Mr. Robot its honestly the best show I've viewed and doesnt get the recognition it deserves. I will watch whatever you guys post but I also dont want to see various reactors all watching the same slate of shows. Mr. Robot doesnt have many reactions and is truly a unique show I think you guys will enjoy. Thanks!

Oscar Giron

There's just so many. New Girl, The Big Bang Theory, Parks and Rec, and of course theres plenty of animes as well. I know a few great English dub animes i can recommend. One of my favorite animes is about murder cases and mystery which would be a good transition from black mirror


I'd say Lost if you haven't seen it. If you're looking for an anime, I LOVE Rurouni Kenshin. For something fun, try Galavant as an "out of left field" choice!


Fargo or leftovers would be amazing to see!


Check out Altered Carbon on Netflix


Sense8 is so good and underrated I recommend it. Also One Day at a Time and The Vampire Diaries are good shows.


Orphan Black




My Hero Academia for an anime to watch and I also think you might enjoy the show Workin' Moms. Both are two seasons deep. Maybe Psycho-Pass might be a good anime for you guys to watch. It's dark but not too dark and really makes you think. And if you haven't seen Master of None, I would very highly recommend it.


Thank you everyone for your responses! Sadly a lot of the shows you mentioned are kind of older with a bunch of seasons and it would be hard to go back and watch all the episodes. I know The Normies have a very good way of going about choosing a new show to watch. I may have to go a similar route especially since everyone said different shows lol. So it is kind if hard to pin point which one to go about. I will be making a video about this very soon though so I can explain it in full detail!


Whatever you watch, it should be something you may enjoy, and as a bonus, popular so you get a lot of views. imo There are so many opportunities to watch great shows that also allow your feedback on issues you care about. There are some groundbreaking series out there.



Cindy Beach

Dark on Netflix. Only one season and very good. Came out recently as well. It's subtitled if that matters.


I binged Dark when it first came out lol it was really great though!






Mr. Robot :)

Kelly Parks

Misfits (BBC). You'll love it.

Kelly Parks

<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ud8AJDaAW7c" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ud8AJDaAW7c</a>




The Magicians