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For those of you who don't know, I was recently hospitalized. I had RSV, Meningitis, Toxoplasmosis, and I was in Sepsis. I got out of the hospital a few hours ago but am still very much sick. This means I can't guarantee I'll be spending the next week that I'm still taking my medication working on the game. Sorry for any inconveniences this may cause, and I'll keep you posted on my recovery.

Note: I'm expected to make a full recovery, thanks for asking, and no, I'm not at any risk of dying anymore. Barring accidents of course.


Alice Tag

Hope your recovery goes smoothly man. Take care of yourself.


😮. Glad you’re okay. Take care of yourself please.


It's good to hear that you're going to recover! Please take the time you need to heal up without worry.

Wild Bill

Yikes, I remember you saying you were sick, no idea it was so serious. Glad to hear you're past the worst of it.


Wow, that's scary! Glad you're on the mend. Rest up and feel better soon.


Rest up don’t push yourself too hard trying to get back to work. Will just delay how long it takes to get back to 100%.


takes care and rest, dont push your self at all unless you have too