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Story: John, Bailey, Lexi, Mathematics and English have all gotten a small bit of story added to them, in that order, with John receiving the most, Bailey receiving the second most, etc.

Code: I've added some new widgets, tweaked some things, and am slowly implementing the new fetish stuff. The way it will work will vary, but basically, as long as that variable is higher than a certain point, you'll receive a scene associated with it. Example: If your Cum-Slut-Level is high enough, you physically won't be able to turn down the chance to blow someone.

Art: I managed to get one artist to pull through for me and get an updated version of the Gym Bunny outfit done. it's pretty sketchy if I'm being honest. But the flakiness of artists knows NO bounds. I'll have them touch it up over the next few days and replace the files next update. The new dress that's going to be implemented, as well as the Bimbo outfit are still very much "WIP's".

Misc: I'm working on making dynamic systems for the game, so that things aren't so linear and so that you get more flavor text and sex scenes as you play. One good example is my new dynamic sleep system that will offer new scenes based upon your fetish levels and progress into the game. It's still very much a WIP and only consists of a few scenes right now. But I plan to make it something very nice over time, adding 5-10 scenes per update.

Modifications/Bugs: I've change the U.I. a small bit  here and there, modifying and adjusting things as I see fit/people have suggested to me. Shout-out SPECIFICALLY to Wild Bill for pointing out bugs and things they'd like changed. The wardrobe now only displays one section at a time, the university system is "divided" into two. And hopefully, I've fixed all the bugs (but let's be honest, I probably made new ones).

Note: Live version for patrons will be uploaded within say, 12 hours (I know, I know, I have garbage net, it just takes me a while.) and if you have any bugs to report, let me know.



Not sure if you've said this already, but do the stats work for every category?


Well I have looked but cant fiund away to access the saves


Found it!! cant see in one eye and blind in teh other lol


im replaying the game and its not letting me watch the hypnos