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I've been tweaking the interface a bit, and I figured I'd get your input before going any further. Yea or nay? Should I change it or keep it the same? (note, the feet/shoes/socks will be added regardless, it's been on the backburner for a while).

Image Link After

Image Link Before 



Wild Bill

Aside from the feet (which look OK but could use a little more work in contrast to the original art), it looks like it's just moving the menu button to the middle panel? I think we could do with seeing that either in the home menu or in a scene to really get a grip on it, the start screen doesn't really come up that much.


It's actually part of the passageheader, so it will be in the top middle at all times. So you can access the menu from anywhere.


Could we get a before and after for comparison?


It took me several looks before I could even notice the difference. I think you should go with whatever makes the most sense structure-wise since the look doesn't change all that much.


I only bothered changing it because some people can't find the menu (not knowing the sidebars pop out).

Wild Bill

I would have thought that making the sidebars more visible would have been a better fix for that myself. Given that you literally *can't get through the game* without using them, players knowing about them is kind of important. I'd have made the button to toggle them fill the height of the screen and be a bit wider when they're closed as a first trial.


Hmm, I've made them about as visible as I can think... Maybe I'll make some sort of first-playthrough heads up thing. Like a little page that says CLICK ME!


BTW the University 'You've reached the end of the current content for this path. Check back again in future releases! Oh, and thanks for playing the game.' side path ends are bugging out the game You have to jam on the back button and hope you don't get one when you visit it next time. Just...FYI


Hmm, I'm not sure what you mean specifically. It works fine for me, can you send me a save or a screenshot on discord or something?


Sorry I found it, so when you try to continue the Riley's plotline after finishing the Pencil girl side plot it seems like it will conclude that you have completed all the games content. Let me see if I can catch a screenshot of it