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Alright, I hear you guys loud and clear, you don't care about merch. I don't blame you, however, quite a few people seem interested in custom chastity cages. I'll be taking some time off today and looking into this (I may just dip into my savings and buy a good 3d printer :D), and see what I can come up with. Until then, as always, if you have questions, concerns, etc, let me know.



If you do cages I'll happily be your test subject!!


I'll have to do more research, but thanks :P. I was thinking I could get a decent printer and figure out how to smooth out the plastic/make it less porous. I'm reading some things about acetone baths.


You would also have to get measurements both flaccid and hard you will also have to decide on a open type or closed type. open would be more hygienic for long term wear while closed has the psychological aspect of not being able to see your own cock.


I was actually thinking of a semi open design (think birdcage), and just using printing "kits". Meaning multiple ring sizes and letting people have an option of which size of tube they pick. Most cages come in three ring sizes, and I was thinking of making it five, for maximum compatibility.


Another idea is a adjustable ring using the lock as a peg so the ring doesn't lose tightness


This is very true I'm not sure how much experience you have with chastity devices but I would love to compare notes


Ok will do one thing that happens to me alot is my balls slip through the ring it hurts while it happens but if I get a smaller ring then I cant get it on or it's too tight for long term wear