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Star waited with Celestia until the mane 6 arrives.

The elements of harmony were gone and an evil laugh erupted in the hallow halls.

As Discord mentions everypony’s element he noticed and tried to get close to Star, but Celestia got in the way, but stays silent, Discord just laughed saying “Don’t worry, we’ll get to know each other later my little pony.” He gave a riddle to find the elements of harmony, then disappeared.

After Discord left, Twilight figured the elements must be in the Canterlot maze. Celestia knowing that she would not be able to protect Star from Discord then suggested that Star went with the mane six, the elements that created her body might still work against Discord. It was better than staying.

As Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity and the two Sparkle sisters left, the Princess stayed back unsure of her actions, all while Luna used telepathy to ask, “Could this be what you saw?”

“Maybe, however, we must be ready to help if needed.”

The seven ponies arrived at the maze, but as Rainbow flew up to search for the Elements, her wings disappeared, however, Twilight caught Rainbow in her magic just as Twilight’s horn disappeared, then Rarity's horn and Fluttershy’s wings were gone. Both unicorns screamed as a dark cloud of smoke came, thunder cracks followed, and a maniacally laughing Discord arrived, in pure shock of his form and powers I fired a firework at him.

Direct hit in the stomach and Discord was thrown back and tumbled on the ground, clenching his stomach and caught, it truly hurt him and he looked angry, I fired again, but with the precision reflex he dodges, I fire another firework that followed him and hit his front paw, he crashed into the ground in front of us, a burn mark is on his stomach and bear paw, the rest of the girls jump him, but a snap and all six mares were forced back into the dirt that had risen from the ground and held them into position, Twilight then screamed, “Star! RUN!”

But before I could react I was lifted into the air by an eagle craw and Discord’s deep growing voice, snarled, “I told you we’ll get some time later, but allow me to explain the rules to your friends first.”

I was thrown up into a big pink bubble that floated up into the air until I was as high up as the Canterlot Castle.

There was a little square that allowed me to see what was going on on the ground, the mane six was freed by Discord and he explained the rules, only the bears were allowed to play, and no one was allowed to leave and I would be freed with the elements of harmony.

So the girls went into the maze promising to get me back, I looked down and smiled as a tear fell, but a thought came, only the elements can destroy the bubble
 I smiled. I took a few steps back and focused hard and unleashed a firework of powerful uncontrollable magic, the magic shot me back and I slide down, a light ringing was in my ear, but there was a crack in the bubble, maybe just one or two more.

As I got to my feet Discord appeared, looking bewildered, “Interesting
 How have you made this?” A snap and the bubble was healed, I wanted to fall and cry, but I didn’t want to give him the pleasure, “Don’t look so sad little pony, I just helped you, you could have broken it and fall down, then we wouldn’t be able to talk.”

Seeing a way to help the girls I said, “About what?”

“What magic did you use? You hit me twice and it hurt! What have I ever done to you?” I just stared at him, “Ugh, whatever, Tell me how.”

“And if I refuse?” I asked, I could never tell the monster about where I’m from. He would rule Earth or make it like it was looking here, more and more chaotic. Pink clouds getting wings and fluttering around dropping chocolate milk, trees dancing, and many ponies in Canterlot were now jumping on their muzzles instead of walking.

“Then I’ll still get it.” Discord said and his bear paw and eagle claw glowed and his magic hit me, but only smoke was left and I cleared it away as I couched.

“You’re definitely a strange filly,” then whispered to himself, “ even stronger than Celestia, but how? Hmmm
” He smiled, “I’m sure I can still use you soon enough, but enjoy the show for now.” He then left in a flash of light.

The light around the bubble was going away and I was alone in the darkness.

Much, much later

The girls had now found the elements but all but Twilight were corrupt, Rainbow had even left and replaced with Spike, the element even flickered with light as he held it but it wasn’t enough. As thanks to Discord, Applejack was a liar, Rarity was greedy, Pinkie was angry, Fluttershy was mean, and after they failed to activate the elements, the mares then left Twilight, who still tried to stand firm, but was reminded she couldn’t free Star now and her spirit broke and her fur darkened before she went home.

Meanwhile, Celestia and Luna could only watch Twilight lose, but that’s when Celestia got the idea, and they both sent all the letters to Spike to remind Twilight of who she was and who her friends was. Then some painkillers for Spike. And Twilight raced off to get her friends.

As all of this happened, Star was knocked out, but inside her head, she was very much awake.

It was a weird feeling to walk around inside my own mind, however for some reason, it all looked like Ponyville.

As I walked around in the empty town, a shape appeared, one that looked like Twilight, but was all sparkly. A smile of relief and pure joy came through me and I ran to her. But before I could hug her, her hoof came in front of me and said, “I am not Twilight Sparkle, I am the elements of harmony, I am here to help you get free.”

I stopped, “Oh,” sadden I nodded, “How
 WAIT! THE ELEMENTS  OF HARMONY!! But you’re, you know, gems.” I said.

“It doesn’t matter. Right now I fear for what Discord will use you for, you must get away from him. Fast! Let me use some of your power and I’ll help you get free.”

I nodded, “When?”

“I’ll give you the word.” The elements of harmony said.

Outside in Ponyville Twilight has found, restored her friend's memories, and was now back in Ponyville, as the pink bubble where Star was, was now gone from the sky.

In the center of Ponyville Discord sat on his throne and watch the chaos unfold, but now the show was about to begin as the mane six were back with the elements, but Discord had a trick up his sleeve, as the elements were now able to be used, so Star vs the mane six, it would also get him to get escape, as he was not going back his stone prison.

The girls stood in front of the Lord of Chaos and told him to release Star, and as the elements glowed he bowed and placed the pink bubble on the ground, but to the surprise of all, including Discord himself, Star’s pink fur and mane had darkened so much it was just a deep dark red.

“Please Star, help me,” Twilight said, she sounded hurt, I looked back at her standing alone, all others lay on the ground, gasping for air. Discord would pay for this I swore to myself.

The venomous voice of Discord then spoke softly, “Star, don’t believe him?”

I turned around and there stood six clones of Discord, a mockery of what he had done, “You won’t hurt my sister or my friends again, Discord!” I was now ready to fight and I wouldn’t hold back, the elements are with me.

“I recon if we turn Discord into stone then Star will be free.” One clone said.

The others nodded and agreed, meaning a combined attack, I had to be ready with a shield, but reality became distorted, it flickered, but I wouldn’t be fooled. The Discord clones got together and blasted a beam that went up and soon came hard and fast down towards us.

By being ready, I shot a counter beam at his attack and as they collided I felt the power, it was familiar, I focused and tried to force it back. It went into a stalemate. In feeling hopeless to defend Twilight, it enraged me and I screamed with hate and forced his attack back towards him. It hit and all flew aside and became unconscious.

Reality flickered again and again, like a light bulb not screwed in properly, but then it was clear and I saw Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie, AJ, Rainbow, and Fluttershy all lay on the ground, I wanted to run and make sure they were okay
 But my body didn’t react, it just turned around and looked at Discord, looking in awe of what just happened, then my voice asked, “You okay big sis?” Just as I felt my teeth sharpen, into fangs, Discord nodded, “Yes sister, I
” He paused, “Fi-finish him.”

My body nodded, as I screamed for the elements to help me fight my body.

“Fight for control, it could help miss the shots.” The elements using twilight voice said.

My body used its magic to lift up the mane six now a bit more awake, begging me to let them go, but as my body was readying a shot, I tried as hard as I could, and finally, as the shot came out, I tilted my head so it only took a bit of Fluttershy’s mane. Then another shoot came and I tilted the head a bit more.

“You can do it Star!” Pinkie Pie yelled, “Get that meanie out of your head!”

“We believe in you Star!” Twilight yelled, “Trust in yourself and let your magic flow!”

SimilarSimiliar cheers came from all but Fluttershy, who was trembling with fear.

All the cheers helped but I was too exhausted to do anything, I could barely keep Discord’s reality vision at bay. As another beam was about to be fired two powerful beams came from below, my body looked up at Celestia and Luna while they flew down, Luna taking the girls in her magic while Celestia aim a big wide beam towards Discord and me, but a weak shield was enough and as the smoke cleared all eight ponies were gone.

“Hopefully the princesses will have a plan.” The elements said, but a great pain began on my back, I felt bones cracking and I began to scream in my mind, but a second later a hissing sound came from my back and there were now a pair of wings, my body looked at her back, it even ignored Discord, but I was sure he was still there as I heard his heartbeat.

“Sis, I think we need to be on guard, I mean eight Discord clones, what’s going on? Or maybe he just became weaker by cloning himself?” My body said.

A weak “Maybe,” came back. However before my body could even react, a blinding light from the sun came, and my body looked up only for me to see Celestia and Luna.

Celestia then called, “Now we're only two, try and catch us.” Then flew away with speed.

“Now,” the elements called, “Force yourself of it’ll never work!”

I tried with no luck, “I can’t.”

“Give me the power and I’ll do it.” The elements said.

I agreed and as Discord gasped for air to speak, my body towards Celestia and Luna. But I felt the body was going to attack, “Elements we have to stop Discord’s control.” But no reply came, I just had to trust the elements.

The speed my body flew with was something I had never experienced and soon Celestia and Luna were in sight and both shot beams at me, both beams were weak, so my body didn’t even put a shield up and flew straight into the attack and out the other way, it didn’t even hurt, then my body released a much more powerful beam towards Celestia and it almost hit her.

Luna went for the attack, however, my body did a spell that made Luna droop towards the ground like her gravity was amplified by the hundreds, not even her wings could help her, as she dropped. A golden light appeared under Luna, and both Celestia and Luna made a shield underneath them as they crashed into the earth, an act that created a crater in the earth and knocked out Celestia, and a barely conscious Luna floated herself out and then levitated her sister out.

My body landed just in front of them, as Luna whispered, “Twilight Sparkle, hurry.” Then shifted her gaze up towards me and said, “Star, I know thee are in there, I know-”

My body began to speak but something was off, it wasn’t my voice, it was rotten, like a voice in your head telling you to do horrible things.

“I think Dark Star is more fitting, Princess Luna.” The voice was calm.

“Dark Star? Elements! Help!” No reply came, but in the distance, the Ponyville in my mind began to disappear, not even become dark, but simply disappear, into nothing, “Help! Help! Elem-”

“No elements here to help you, you naïve little filly, human.” The voice echoed in what was becoming an empty void, “Whatever you want to call yourself, Star Sparkle, Stef, hehe, I don’t care.”

“What, What are you?” My voice trembled, something felt familiar about this feeling, I sat down, and my front hooves began to ash, I looked down and thin red cuts littered the hooves, it felt like my eyes were about to pop, “No, NO, NO! It can’t, What’s going on?”

“I thought you needed to be reminded of our first little activity together.” The laughter filled the now empty void, only the memory of my arms lingered and the rejection from others, humans and ponies alike, family, even including Twilight, I tried to get to her, but she raised her hoof and pushed me down to the ground, as she said, “I should really have let Princess Celestia delete your memory, maybe this would then have been avoided, and the show would have been like it was supposed to be, no pesky filly, I mean, no human messing up everyone’s lives.” Twilight then proceeds to walk into the empty void, leaving me to cry in my hooves, repeating, “It’s all my fault”

“What have tee done to Star Sparkle, speak!” Luna demanded, even though she knew of the Rainbow Crystal, but this had to be a part of Discord’s trick.

“Star is Safe, but that is not important as of now, you have a choice to make.” The voice even made Luna feel unsafe.

Luna had to stall for Twilight and her friends to capture Discord, “And what is that?”

“I see in your heart that you wish to rule, to be beloved by all, I can make that come true, I only ask for one thing.” Dark Star spoke.

“And what might that be?” Luna asked, this could only be a trick, if not by Discord then by this Dark Star, it could concur everything, not even her and her sister was enough to even slow her down, then spells were able to make an Alicorn go to sleep, most powerful none lethal attack in history, even Discord looked like he had used all his powers, however, that could have been a trick on his part.

“I get to kill Twilight Sparkle,” Dark Star spoke, with hated in Twilight’s name.

“Will Twilight Sparkle be the only pony to fall?” Luna asked, even faking it to sound like she was considering, but the thought was there, ‘could I accept it’ Luna thought, it scared her just to consider the offer, it was clearly a lie. But something was off in her, her desires would get the best of her, at least if she didn’t think too much about it.

“By my hoof, yes,” a grin on Dark Star face, made Luna know the next sentence, “Pierce Celestia’s heart and rule as Queen Luna, no one will remember or care, about her or Twilight.”

Luna’s heart dropped, she couldn’t, but her desire forced her to look at Celestia on the ground. Memories flooded her of when they were little and Celestia was admired for raising the sun on her own, but Luna failed public again and again to raise the moon. It lasted two years before Luna could raise the moon and did it alone no pony was there to celebrate her, unlike her sister. Anger and jealousy filled Luna, years of suppressed memories flooded in as well as Nightmare Moon.

“Become Queen Nightmare Moon.” Dark Star stated both out to Luna and in towards Star.

I looked up, Nightmare Moon, what was that, I looked through the square and saw as Luna was about to pierce Celestia with her horn. Flashed from both Celestia’s and Luna’s points of view showed Luna’s transformation into Nightmare Moon.

I looked up in shock and horror, and then when Nightmare Moon was transformed back into Luna, Twilight was there, all of the other ponies were there, but no pony told me that Luna was a monster bent on taking over the Equestria with eternal night. I was angry and yelled, “I thought we were friends Luna, you lied to me!” I broke down, every pony lied to me, I was worth nothing.

But Dark Star didn’t let out the sobs, Luna needed the motivation, “You have my word Queen Nightmare Moon.”

Luna was sobbing she wanted to do it, but just as her horn touched Celestia’s fur she snapped out of it, just before a rainbow rushed over them, Luna back to her senses took Celestia on her back and flew as fast as she could away, from Dark Star. But now Dark Star was loose.

Dark Star felt the small grip Discord had on it go away. Light and shadow disappeared around it as it shot a beam up into the air killing light and shadow, after the beam ended Dark Star stood taller than Celestia, and its power emanated out of the body, however, as it might look to most, the body was however stable and by each step, the grass and flowers died around it.

It spread out its wings and flew up, ready to undo Stef’s final wish, this world and the other.

In the distance, Twilight yelled, “Star!” But fearing that she’ll get angry again I hid.

the voice came closer, “Star! Please stand up! I love you Star. STAR!” I looked up and Twilight was shown through a mirror, “I’m- I’m sorry I didn’t mean to-”

“Star, it’s not your fault for what is going on, it’s all Dark Star, you have to do something!”

“I- I’ll try.” I shivered. But I had to do something.

Right as the mirror disappeared a full-body Twilight came to me and said “Guess I’ll just be the one to delete your memories, it would make a good lesson.”

She’s not my Twilight, “Twilight would never do that!” And the body disappeared.

It felt like smoke as I was picked up and thrown at a solid wall, the impact hurt, but not as much as it should, I had to draw it out, “What? Are you afraid of showing yourself?” The off-color black Alicorn with smoke coming out of it forced and the only resemblance to me was the blue in her mane.

“You were saying?” It asked.

I squicked as I said, “You didn’t even try, and now you going to delete reality?”

“As it will bring you misery. Yes.” Dark Star said, laughing under her breath.

“It won't be the worst,” I said.

It stopped, “maybe not, it is the fastest, but you’re right.” It turned its head towards me and said with a smile that could kill, “let’s have some fun.” The smile shook me with fear so much that I fell and it laughed.

Ponyville was abandoned and where Discord’s throne once was, a bolt of black lightning hit the ground and pushed up sand and dirt from the ground, covering were Dark Star was now standing, the mane six and the two princess’s stood in front of it.

Quickly Celestia and Luna pushed all the sand and dirt at Dark Star’s face while Twilight and the rest used the elements of harmony. The rainbow went up and quickly down on Dark Star Celestia and Luna used their magic to aid the elements.

As they hit Dark Star screamed in pain as its wings fell off, “No no, Star! I’ll get you for this, I’m coming back!” Dark Star yelled as my body returned to its normal size.

I opened my eyes and look towards Twilight, she smiled, I got up on my hooves and ran towards her, Twilight did the same,

“Twilight!” I yelled in joy.

But in fear Luna yelled, “Look out everypony!” Twilight was halted by Luna’s blue aura.

Within a blink of an eye, Celestia’s horn pierced my body. Twilight then blasted a full attack beam at Celestia, one that shot her into a wall and cracking the wall in the process. Twilight ran over to me and held me, all other voices and cries were muffled as I looked up at Twilight, I gasped for air, “Twi-..”

“I’m here, I’m not leaving.” She turned to Luna and called “Luna! Help!” But nothing could be done.

The light left me and as my eyes closed, Twilight tried to keep me awake, I smiled as my eyes closed.

I woke up in my mind to see a laughing Dark Star as I did I only said, “What ha—?”

Soon the laughter was out of my mind and Luna pulled Twilight back as all looked in horror as Dark Star laughs and turns back into herself.

Luna also took Celestia over to her and the others as they all cover in fear, under Luna’s shield.

The laughter Dark Star bellows turned into lighting that breaks Luna’s shield. As the shield broke Twilight was taken by Dark Star.

“Let her go!” I yelled as tears came out.

“Do you hear that?” Dark Star asked, a heartbeat, “Now hear it stop.”

The heartbeat becomes slower, and Twilight gasps for air.

“NO! STOP IT! LET MY SISTER GO!” I, even in my mind I felt the magic through me, “I beat you before Dark Star, I can do it again,” it only laughed, so I fired a firework inside of my mind, freeing Twilight from Dark Star.

Twilight was quickly pulled back towards the rest by Celestia, who had tears in her eyes, but Twilight interrupted her, “I think Star is fighting back, we might not get another chance.” Celestia nodded and wiped her eyes, both got up and decide to give their all, while Celestia calls, “Have Star in your mind, let's give her good memories to rid her of this Darkness!”

“What are you doing!” Dark Star yelled but I shot it with my magic.

It flew back and grunted. Outside the elements rained down on Dark Star all while Celestia and Luna cast memory spells toward it.

It all weakened Dark Star and soon enough the void inside of me was once again looking like Ponyville and from above a rainbow, light of day and beauty of night comes down and Star looks over at the filly Dark Star version, looking to be crying, as Star gets closer, Dark Star is laughing and says “You think you’ll get rid of me so easily, you truly are a little filly, I won’t go away, and we’ll meet again. But until then, if you don’t want me to break Twilight's neck, die here or go back to your human world, then I’ll die too. Your choice Star Sparkle.” With that Dark Star was gone, for now

The mane six was given a stained glass window to honor their battle against Discord, but nopony ever saw Dark Star, not even Spike, all though he was told and as for everypony else involved they know that the thing called Dark Star was not Star Sparkle, but how it was crated of if it will come back only Star knows. (c) Star Sparkle



Star Sparkle

Her design is so awesome