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It was the first time Maverick had been invited to his friend Lyra’s house. He made his way inside and looked around. No sign of her. He called out;

“Lyra? I’m here! Where are you?”

“Upstairs!” Lyra called back. “Come inside my room! I have a surprise for you!”

Confused, Maverick made his way upstairs towards Lyra’s room, but realized the door was closed. He knocked on it to be courteous.

“Come inside Maverick!” Lyra’s voice came through the door.

Curious, Maverick opened up the door, but was greeted by a sight he never thought he would see; Lyra was in bed, but so was another mare Maverick knew; Rarity. Both mares looked back at him, smiling as they exposed themselves in front of their stallion friend. Lyra then took a marker, and using her magic, wrote on her flank as well as Rarity. On Lyra’s flank she wrote ‘Come here’, and for Rarity, she wrote ‘For You’.

“L-Lyra? Rarity?” Maverick asked, swallowing hard, blushing.

“Do you like what you see?” Lyra asked, smiling.

“Mavie, darling… why so nervous?” Rarity also asked, grinning as well.

“It’s just… I… uhhh…” Maverick stammered, looking for the words to say.

Rarity giggled. “So cute… he’s so nervous.”

Lyra laughed. “Come now, Mavie… no need to be so scared around us.”

“Especially since you know how I… we… got along.” Rarity smirked.

Maverick thought back. When he was once human. Rarity had a crush on his physique. 200 cm tall. 100kg. Long blonde hair and blue eyes. Was that how she still saw him? His thoughts didn’t last too long as Lyra’s horn glowed, making Maverick go towards the bed, laying down in front of the two mares. Both smiled as they looked at him.

“Get ready for double trouble, Maverick…” Lyra smirked, placing a hoof on him.

“We will make you feel so magnifique.” Rarity giggled.

“Oh my…” Maverick squeaked out before Lyra and Rarity laughed, ready to have fun with their coltfriend…




Double Trouble indeed! xD Love all of your work you do for us, Jennie!! ^^