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     Two mares Ocean Soul and Milky Way met at Milky What's house. They have been friends for quite some time, but the more time that they spent together, the more comfortable that they felt towards each other. The two we're sitting on the couch, having a conversation with one another.

"So, ummm..." Ocean Soul began. "Did you ever... have a partner before?"

"Like what?" Milky Way asked.

"You know... like a romantic partner?" Ocean Soul expanded.

     Milky Way giggles. "I know what you mean..." she then placed a hoof over Ocean Soul. "The truth is... I... umm... had feelings for you for some time now." She said, brushing Ocean's water mane gently.

     Ocean blushed. "Mmm... I like you too Milky, but..." she paused.

"What is it?" Milky Asked a bit concerned.

"I've... never been with a mare before." She admitted. "I never thought i would be with one."

     Milky Way blushed, placing a hoof on Ocean's cheek. "Perhaps... it's time to explore those feelings?" She admitted.

     Ocean Soul then looked at her partner, placing a hoof on Milky Way's cheek. The feeling was still foreign to her, but at the same time, it felt somewhat familiar. Almost without thinking, both mares gently smooched each other on the lips. However, instead of pulling back, both then placed their hooves around each other's backs, their kiss growing deeper and deeper. Before they knew it, their tongues were gently swirling and caressing in each other's mouth. Both began to gently moan.

"Mmmhh... Milky..." Ocean Soul groaned gently.

"Ocean..." Milky Way groanedd back. Both mares then looked at one another, wiping off their lips.

"Hehe... cute lips..." Ocean smiled.

"Not my only lips..." Milky Way smiled, her tongue waging.

"You- you mean...?" Ocean Soul asked.

     Milky Way nodded. "You and me. Right now."

     Surprised how direct she was but also finding it very attractive, Ocean Soul get off of her partner, and Milky Way adjusted herself on the couch. Ocean then got back on Milky Way, this time her marehood facing her. Milky Way licked her lips as she used her tongue to gently lick Ocean Soul once. Ocean gasped as she licked Milky Way in return, already feeling that Milky Was wet. Ocean Soul gently kissed Milky Way's marehood as Molly's tong was being caressed by Ocean Soul's walls. Both began to leak and pulsate as they continued to lick one another.

"Mmm... oh Milky... more..." Ocean begged, smooching Milky's lips around her hips, causing her to leak.

"Tasty..." Milky Way teased, licking Ocean deeper.

     Finally, Ocean Soul licked Milky Way as deep as she could, her tongue gently caressing her clitoris. Milky Way began to moan gently as pressure started to build inside her. At the same time, Milky's tongue caressed Ocean Soul's clitoris as both mares were working deep and hard on each other.

"Mmmhh... Milky... I'm going to squirt so baddd..." Ocean said, her face red from blushing.

"Do it, baby... squirt all over me..." Milky teased as she herself was close to finishing. All it took was a few more licks from both until...

"Oooohhh... AHHHHHH... MILKYYYYYYY!!" Ocean Soul shouted as the pressure inside her was too great, and she began to squirt over her partner. Her orgasm was overwhelming as her body shook, her marehood leaking and pulsing. At the same time, however, Milky Way to had her orgasm as she squirt against Ocean Soul. Both partners could only ride out the intensity of their orgasm as it hit them like a train. After a few tense moments, however, their orgasm had died down, leaving both of their bodies limp as they collapsed together on the couch. Ocean looked at the stain on the couch, caressing her partner.

"Who's cleaning that up?" She asked.

"I'll take care of it, snookums." Milky Way smiled, cuddling her partner.

"Maybe... we should do it again sometime soon..." Ocean Soul smiled.

"Hehe... soon. But for now... let's just cuddle." Milky Way grinned, placing both hooves over her partner. True to her word, it was the first time that Ocean Soul had ever been with another mare, but after what had transpired between her and Milky Way, she felt like it would not be the last time that they would be together... (c) Andrew Faehling Strike-Of-The-Ninja User Profile | DeviantArt



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