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(Also I have been encouraged to post public release notices so that non-patrons can comment and give feedback as well.)

Life has been a bit of a roller coaster lately so I'm struggling a bit to catch up. Needless to say, my Repeat updating scheduling is completely messed up. For future updates, I just continuously work on an update and release it as soon as it's ready instead of aiming for any specific deadline. With some luck, I will be back to a monthly release cycle before long. Again, sorry for all the inconvenience! ;w;/

As for this new update, I have begun completely rewriting Owen's route starting from Day 9. There were quite a few problems in the previous verion that I hope to fix in the new rewrite:

  • While I'm sure many of you love Samuel's character, he had unfortunately taken center stage in Owen's route and overshadowed him as the main character. Samuel will still play a pivitol role in the story, but hopefully not in a way to interferes with Owen's own character development.
  • There's quite a few background details that I did not reveal in the previous version. Without these details, Owen's actions in his route felt a bit asinine and unrelateable otherwise. 
  • I'm debating on removing Samuel's sex scene with Euca (the main character). While I'm sure many of you enjoy it, the sex makes no sense within the story, and I hope the plot stays as uninfluenced by the need for sex appeal as possible. To make up for it, I might end up making small comics or illustrations of lewd!Samuel outside of the game.
  • There was a rather....lack of emotional connection with Owen in the previous version that I hope to improve upon in the rewrite.

Please let me know your thoughts on the new rewrite! If you have any comments or suggestions, leave a comment! I may not reply to all of them,  but rest assured that I read every single one. Your feedback is what helps me improve Repeat! :)





  • Owen's route rewrite: Day 9 is now 70% complete
  • New Owen sprites!
  • A little history lession.
  • New CG artwork!
  • Grammar and spelling fixes.




Does anyone still have this update for Android?


The surprise of the night ! ^_^


LEAVE SAMUEL ALONE! Q___Q I fucking loved the sex scene because I usually tend to really enjoy casual sex scenes with characters that are not the main romanceable cast, because I always feel restricted that way in a "NO, YOU WILL NOT FUCK ANYONE ELSE BECAUSE YOU'RE DESTINED TO BE WITH ONE OF THESE MAIN GUYS AND THAT'S FINAL, DON'T EVEN DARE TOUCH THE OTHER CHARACTERS EVEN THOUGH WE PUT THEM IN THE GAME TO TORTURE THE FUCK OUTTA YOU WITH THEIR SEXINESS" fashion. That's why I was HUGELY excited about doing it with Samuel out of the blue like that. It did feel a lil' bit TOO random and maybe forced in there, but you could probably find a way to still include it somehow without it being too misleading from Owen's route? I get that it's probably difficult if you already have a set plan in motion. I'm still fantasizing about the same happening for Herschel in Sissel's route but that's up to your ideas, I guess. This was just my opinion so do what you will lol, I realize it's entirely your story. I just liked the idea of not limiting the juicy bits to ONLY the main cast like literally every single other 18+ VN does. It was getting irritating. Regardless I like what you're doing either way so best of luck in completing this game in any case~ Just wanted to rant about the lame trend in VNs, sorry. c:


i do enjoy the sex scene with samuel it really does help break up the huge emotion bomb you set, even if it is out of place it still helps lessen the emotion bomb and doesn't really change much like with the other sec scenes they are optional and do little to change which is good because one is free to know every option and line of dialogue


While this is a nice change of pace to the plot, throwing more into Owen as a character. I sincerely hope you don't stray from some of the established focus's with owens story. atleast make sure it remains accurate to Edelweiss's description.


I dont know if i should post this here, but im curiuous~ any info about phillip updates? owo


lol just found out about Owens backstory and damn hard and sad af


Sadly I can´t affort to be a Patron right now due to financial difficulties ... and even if I might not be able to play this until the end because I´m not a Patron , I will offer my support instead ! Sure , support doesn´t help pay the bills but it´s important to keep moral high in hard times ! I do hope that this magnificent game will someday be complete and that others enjoy it but more importantly that the hardships that the creator is going through right now be resolved soon so that he can focus on this visual novel and relax a bit more as well . Keep up the great work Shirokoi !


Loved it! Love sissle, Owen, and Philip! Great story! I cried because of how sissle' chocolate town hall of Washington was SABOTAGED! I really wanted to jump into my computer and hug him!! ;0; but I really love to see what comes in the future.. owen's back story also made me cry and Phillip' aswell... I love how Echo cares so much for Euca and I hope one day that I'll see Echo heal! Btw Where's the city in real life and what's it. Called?? Like I said in my old comment (didn't know I commented on an old post... lol) I really love to visit that city and take photos of the areas and the school.. or whatever it is in real life lol so just give me a heads up and also I would like to talk to you at some point and get to know you more! I bet we'll become such good friends! Here's my Skype name PixieDust Fairylights


What? remove sex scene!!!??? Boooooooo


So sweeet)))


Love the work so far, but is anyone else experiencing issues while trying to download the zip?


I hope you allow me to crossover this Repeat...


Could you give an exact date on when you release these updates monthly?


Hey Shirokoi! Great work! I just wanted to say you've inspired me to do something i never thought i could do! Personally im terrible at art but seeing yours and thinking "WOW this guy can create this, Its amazing!" Really helped me think of creating one for myself! I hope you have time someday to check out my idea sometime!m Good luck on future updates!


You have inspired me to create a novel for myself! Hope you gave time to check it out sometime! (@.@)


What's the species of euca BTW???


Why is Sissel still being tsundere after the sex scene in the shower? He should already know we like him.


When is the next update? ;-;


A'm a bit worried, is Shiro ok?


Sorry if the camera and the audio is crap. But i tried.


<a href="https://youtu.be/Irpp9YsKnh8" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/Irpp9YsKnh8</a>


Shirokoi doesn't reply my email... *return to the corner of my bedroom


He also don't answer on Ask. Hope that he just so busy :)