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Hello my wonderful wonderful patrons! And friends! And maybe random stranger. Hello!

This is Shirokoi, bringing you some even more bad news! Those of you who follow me on twitter can probably guess what it is. Everything in real life seemed to dump their deadlines onto this week, including my college animation projects, job applications, interviews, exams etc. I haven't slept in the last 35 hours and dear lord I wish I have the strength to finish the Repeat update by the deadline, but it does not look very probable. 

I'm really sorry guys, I've been delaying updates several times already but things just keep popping up irl. I honestly feel really shitty delaying it once again, but college life has me on a leash.

I will do my damn best to finish the Repeat update as soon as humanly possible, but it will probably be released to Patrons sometime this weekend. I am sincerely sorry for the inconveniences and lack of consistency in my updates. Thank you all for your understand and support!  ;w;/




to be honest, I don't care if the updates are delayed. I still love your work no matter how many delays!

Laura Castrillón

How bad you had it back then. Take your necessary breaks, the most important thing is your health.


Its okay! Please go sleep! :3


I feel ya, go get some rest


It's all good! Sleep. You really need it . Destress your breasts


Don't put unrealistic deadlines on yourself if you have a shit show irl. Just take time for a breather, maybe a nice bath or something soothing. I'm more than good with waiting. It will help you to produce the best content you can rather than shit you have to redo later.


It's okay! Real life can be a bitch at times. Take care of what you gotta do, and we'll still be here when things calm down a bit! :D


no one will blame you! Life comes first so do whatchu gotta do!


Just take your time to finish your projects then relax and then start up again later, we'll understand if the update is delayed, after all we're here to support you, not just to get updates to the game.


It's totally fine if you get that stuff done before Repeat, it's more important! Your health is also more important, so rest up!


Don't sweat it dude ^^


yea get rest dude you need it as you said you will have the rest of the week to finish it

Shadow Nightclaw

Take care of yourself first and foremost Shiroki. ^..^ Get some sleep, make sure to eat something and destress once all your deadlines are past. We're in no hurry, and are quite willing to wait!


Finish it later. There's no need to be under pressure likethis.


Real life's more important, don't worry about it! Just take your time to get everything under control until you feel ready to return to the project.


Don't push yourself too hard, finish it when you can. We are patient.


Midterms suck, eh? You've got a lot on your plate, so it's better for you to take the time you need on this. Stay sane out there.


Shit happens, but take your time to make sure the updates are good and not just rushing because you feel obligated.


It's ok, take your time and do the updates for repeat at the end of the month. That way there's consistency and you won't feel rushed to get repeat updates out with all the irl stuff

Lord Zero

Don't worry about it Shiro, take all the time you need buddy. You can't rush perfection, and we understand that you need time for yourself to deal with real life.


Don't worry Shiro! We're happy to wait! Irl can be time consuming, especially with college! So what if you miss a deadline or two? Just keep doing your best, and that's all we could ever ask of you~! ^^


you really don't have to do an update this time. you can just charge again for the month like last time and just do a double update when you can. don't kill yourself over this.


You should take it easy. Don't push yourself to hard. Take some time off and take a nice long nap after you finish your college work


been there, don't sweat it


Greatly appreciate the heads up, always nice to be kept in the loop. Don't ever feel like you have to apologize for difficulties that come up. Life gets in the way sometimes, anyone who doesn't understand that or has a problem with it obviously has never had any responsibilities/obligations and clearly needs to spend more time in the real world. On a side note I would advise you to seriously consider keeping your pledge settings on per month rather than per update simply for if issues like this arise in the future you won't have to worry about money on top of everything else, and if you decided to release multiple updates in subsequent months you wouldn't have to worry about charging people multiple times. Just my opinion though, whichever you feel most comfortable with is what's important.


Yeah, diitto what the others said. School first. We'll still be here.


Well, the nice thing that came out of this was a lovely piece of panicking art, now if I could only tell what character this is...


What everyone else said :) go ahead and get college/life stuff dealt with! We'll all still be here (or, I will anyways...but I'm sure I won't be the only one!)


i love your work and understand college stress you do you ^^ i'll still be waiting no matter what ^^


I personally don't care if there is a delay, I love your work regardless of the wait. Just don't have this end up being something that never gets finished, it'd be a shame to never know how the story ends.


your work is amazing and we all rather have quality over quantity. keep up the good work!


It's ok, don't overwhelm yourself


This game is amazing, your amazing, this game literally almost made me cry and now I don't dare play it again cause ill feel guilty if I do a different route besides Owen.


I so wanna see a naked herschel /sissel *blush* looking forward to next chapter when it happens


As a fellow art student who graduated as a visual effects/backdrop cgi artist a few years ago and a final project that required hand-animating 7200 frames as well as a two-week long CGI sequence render (which encountered errors and failed twice o_o; ) I can most definitely feel your pain. I know this comment is to an old post ... but I only just discovered "Repeat". Point of the comment? I am a freelancer/independent contractor now, and your work (in repeat since that's the only body of work I have to go on at the moment) blows away most of the people I work with at the very least, in terms of story. Artwork wise it's far and beyond better than most of the visual novels out there, including the ones you have to pay for. Keep it up, and I'm sure your professional body of work will have people fighting over you!