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I have been on a roll this month and I'm getting real pumped for this next update (ง •̀_•́)ง 

Progress so far: 

Progress has been going strong for this week! I can't go into many details, but about 35%-40% of the writing has been completed! It's going to be a pretty hectic update with a lot of scenes packed in there. I'm so excited to see everyone's reactions to the story >:3c

Artwork wise, I've completed 1 new sprite and 12 new CG artwork scenes, with many more in progress! I think this will be my most ambitious update yet, in both art and writing. So far the update's already the size of last month's update, and it's not even finished yet. Here's a some cropped, out-of-context artworks from what I have finished so far. It is a fact that young Sissel is in fact, just a smol potato.

There are many other artworks already completed, and a lot more cooking that I can't show you guys yet, but I hope y'all are satisfied with this little sneak peak! Let me know if you have any questions! ;w;/

By the way, what additional things would you guys want to see in these development blogs besides sneak peaks at artwork? I'm kinda stumped on what else I can show you guys that wouldn't be too spoilery. My thoughts on the story so far? Q&A sessions? Storytelling thought pieces? Please let me know if you have any ideas!



I think you're doing a great job at giving out the tiny pieces and not spoiling anything! :) I'm waaaaay too hyped on seeing this update, after the rollercoaster of the two previous ones. I know you'll nail it! :D


Looking good so far. Excited to see what's in store.


i think your thought processes would be a really cool idea. kind of like commentary, what was going through your head you could even do them for all of your past progress to avoid spoiling new stuff


I'm so pumped that Philip's route will be the next one, yess! :P


I'm so exciting!!! I sure that it will be an awesome update. (Sisseeeeel is soooooooo cuuuuuuuuute 😍) Btw I'd like to translate the game in my language. So if you want to translate Repeat in French, I'm here ;)


Omg im so HYYYYYYPED!!!!! I also want to help in some other way other then having to pay money because money is not something i have a lot of... If you could get back to me on this and ask if i would be interested in something (i can try to help with of course) that would be great! Hope to see the Sissel update soon - Gavin Pearson