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Heyo! Rolling out another hefty QOL update for Temptation's Ballad. I'm trying out a new update schedule where I make more frequent, smaller updates every few weeks instead of my previous update per 1.5 months. In the past, the longer I spent working on an update, the more pressure I put on myself to make it even bigger and better to make it worth the wait. That inevitably made the update take even longer, and rinse and repeat.

I figured smaller but more frequent would keep me from burning out and y'all will get more stuff more quickly. Let me know how you guys like it ;w;/

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  • Chapter 3 Character Glossary has been added! (Totals around 1512 words).

  • 3 new glossary artwork cards for Maeve, Calder, and Agatha.

  • 8 small glossary item illustrations.

  • All 4 of Prince Cassius' sprites have been reworked and cell-shaded!


  • Added a Replay button in the Gallery menu that allows you to replay select scenes throughout Temptation's Ballad! The scenes are unlocked as you play through the story. I hope y'all enjoy this new feature, it was a pain in the ass for my smooth brain to code QWQ

  • Note: this feature is not retroactive and you may need to replay the story to unlock the scenes, even if you have current save files.


  • Sounds are now muted when skipping through scenes. Your eardrums will no longer get blasted to smithereens.

Chapter 1 Revisions:

  • Every scene in Chapter 1 has been combed through and updated with more sprite animations and jiggles that y'all have seen in my more recent VN updates. Sprites now move around more dynamically as well.

  • More varied sound effects have been added where appropriate.

  • Instances of the "surprise.ogg" sound effect has been reduced from 61 to 15 in Chapter 1. Your eardrums are now safer.

  • The background art for the Grand Cathedral (both day/night) have been rerendered with the holy sword removed from its pedestal. That plot thread has since been cut from the story.

  • The church kids in Artemi's introduction scene now make a bigger deal about her being the Bishop's child, and wonder about "aren't bishops supposed to be celibate?"

  • A gentler version of Sidd's theme now plays when he talks about his mother in the fighting ring.

  • Slight retcon: All instances in Chapter 1 where Artemi was referred to as "The Vessel" has changed to "The Reservoir." For plot reasons. (It's a secret tool that'll help us later).

  • The cloaked figure now hates poor people slightly less. This was supposed to be a small thing in their backstory in the early concepts of the TB but I've since moved away from it.

  • Artemi now properly electrocutes Sidd when trying to heal or buff him, as per protocol.



Myler Armenteros

I have tested this update, Shirokoi. I found a "bug"? About Maeve character info: when you select her option, you only read Agatha character info and not Maeve info (It's only in her stats, age, jobs... that part). Sorry for bother :') I let you here a link with the screenshot about what I mean: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cCczcJ1yVt9E4cG8GQT5UxqiGH-AF-28/view?usp=sharing