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Right! Now on to the ending!

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Now that I've finished all of the SFX for the sexy scenes, It's now time to start animating the ending! And not a moment too soon either! Coz I am so done with audio work, and I cannot wait to go back to animating again!

It's fun to see your animation come to life, one sound effect at a time for sure. But once you get to the thousandth? Whew!... Having to do it for weeks on end is suuuper tiring for me. Weird that I don't get the same feeling when animating, where I could just keep going for months without getting tired of it.

Perhaps there are people out there that are the exact opposite of me. Who loves doing audio work way more than animating... Imma call them sounding people.

Ahhh... I could defo use some sounding people rn.

Oh well... Maybe another absolute Chad(ess) will one day come knocking and just goes "Hera ya go!" before handing over the entirety of SFX for Prank Gone Wrong like miss Nyono did for the voice acting... I'd press X to that tho XD

Speaking of which, Miss Nyono's still having some trouble with her new place being way too reverby. And is now considering on some more drastic measures to fix that by setting up a dedicated recording booth in her room.

As I've also experienced not too long ago. Moving to a new place never fails to deliver when it comes to surprise headaches XD. So still no new dubbed stuff for now unfortunately.

Anyways, I'd like to share a smol behind the scenes look on the absolute girth that is the audio sequence for Happy Accident part 2:

Since I was doing the audio by segments, doing a few minutes at a time. I didn't really notice how girthy it was turning out to be, until my PC kept crashing on me every five minutes due to the lack of RAM... and It had 16gb.

I always thought going over 16gb was just overkill. Thinking that only big boi studios or 4k gamers we're the only ones that needed to worry bout it. Well what'da you know XD

Anyways, after buying a couple more sticks to double that. It now peaks at around 26gb of usage whenever I open the file. So yeah... no wonder it kept crashing XD

I've also been paying a lot more attention to the smaller details and putting on a lot more squishies and sticky sounds to the sexy scenes compared to Part 1. And considering that we're now at 26 mins of runtime (not counting the ending), which is a couple minutes more than the entirety of Part 1... Yeah...

And lastly, I've also updated the last post (Audio WiP 29) based on the Chad feedbacks! (Super thanks for that :3)... And if you've got any feedbacks yourself for this WiP or any in general, please do feel free to lemme know!

But anyways, that's about it! Hope you like it you absolute Chad!

PS: For the Chads that were wondering. Yep! I will be doing SFX Only versions for every Audio WiP as well as the Full-Length versions from here on out. So no worries!




Now what do you call a sounding person who's into sounding? No critiques from me, hope you do find a sounder some day tho. Looks like a ton of work Unrelated, but every time I see this: https://i.imgur.com/MXLVRm9.png I think about that scene from MHA, so I made this: https://i.imgur.com/ocuGzbK.png

Ichigo Kurosaki

I can tell you've spent a lot of time on all the extra audio details! My ears are in heaven with so much foley of the room with the plaps and squishes sounding incredible. Everything fits perfectly with each scene :) My only criticisms are about rewarding the listener (weird I know...). At 2:35 when Lumine is dumping load and really giving it to Sucrose, I was expecting some deeper plap sounds to drive home the extra effort she's putting in. The squish audio in its place kinda deflates the scene for me. Visually we get a reward of Lumine cumming but audio wise it sounds roughly the same as before, and I feel like with a deeper, newer sound it could elevate the scene/moment. A similar situation can be heard at 6:45 when Lumine is really plowing her and the squishes kinda overtake the scene again. I love hearing them! These scenes just feel like opportunities to reward the listener alongside the cumming/change of position. But it definitely sounds like your signature, so I respect the decision to keep them as you wish!! And while we're on the topic, 7:02 feels like another great opportunity to change up the plaps to signify a new position and reward the listener with a new soundscape. I know that sounds crazy and it's more work (and I'm probably wrong!), so please don't take this as anything but feedback/suggestions. I respect your hard work and all the time you've put into this! Even if this remains the same, it's still a work of art and I'll love it regardless! Thanks again!! ^_^


Ahhh... Tune up plaps for scenes with big boi thrusts, whilst tuning down squishes at the same time. Gotcha! As for a different type of plaps. Unfortunately, I've only 1 set of good slap foley and couldn't find anymore good quality plaps. I could however play around with the pitch so that it sounds a lil bit different with every position change. Actually sounds like a pretty neat trick to change things up, now that I think of it. Super thanks for that! And no worries, please do keep the feedbacks commin'. I'm a sucker for them hehe..


Good GOD. Easy top 10 for me. Maybe 5. I'm very picky and even for me every single part of this is done right. Especially loved the "multi-tier" difficult penetration. Details like that really elevate works to a rare entirely higher level, and this piece is just full of details done right. Also really appreciated the way they took turns making the other's eyes roll back—I could just go on but I'd just be redescribing the whole video by the end haha really superb job. If someone was holding an unalive device to my head and said I had to put something on a wishlist or perish, maybe slightly more visual confirmation/ throbbing/ veins popping out for climaxes, but honestly I feel like even making that suggestion isn't worth throwing off whatever wildly perfect style and synergy you've got going on here. It's like you know what I like more than I know what I like get out of my head


Also the way you manage to get a little story and character dev in there without ever cutting away or ruining momentum is really just next level storytelling. Sucrose challenging herself to be more daring for Lumine, Lumine gently pushing just a little her past her limits all the time—gahhh it's actually just adorable content.


Holy shit, your work is an actual inspiration. I don't even know what to say, I just discovered you today and your'e already my favorite H artist. Sound design, movements, and poses are all absolutely amazing and I'm just genuinely blown away!


Awww... thank you! Can't believe I'll actually end up inspiring others with this silly passion of mine but whatd'a you know XD

evans martinez

Wow, estoy viendo tus trabajos y no me quedan ms palabras que decir, me gusta el futanari pero normalmente no tienen las mejores historia ni animaciones, pero quede completamente asombrado, de lo mejor que e visto en años, sigue así haces un Exelente trabajo ❤️ 🙌.