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My, my... This is way tougher to pull off than I thought it would XD

Watch through google drive:


Alt link (Mega)



Apologies if this one took a bit longer to arrive!

I wanted to post this 2nd Audio WiP along with the Dubbed Version of the first one, a couple days ago. However, as I am now learning, there's way more unexpected things that could happen when you're working, not just with your own schedule, but with other people as well.

Like miss Nyono having to move to a new place, miscommunications from me, not being specific enough on my requests causing miss Nyono to rerecord some clips. Or even something completely out of our control like a certain monthly thing arriving on the day of recording, messing up her voice -_-

Oh well, got super lucky the last time, makes sense it'd run out eventually XD

On the bright side, I'm now only a few days from finishing off the Audio for ALL of the sexy scenes. Which means I can finally start working on the ending!

On the not so bright side... I tripped down the stairs XD

I thought I was familiar enough with the new house that I can go down without opening the lights. Aaaaand I miscounted the steps and tripped down the last one - _-

Suuuuuper luckily tho, both my hands we're completely fine and production wasn't affected. And all I got from my stupidity was just a lil sprained foot. Could've ended waaayyy worse, thinking back.

Also prolly didn't help that it was 3 in the morning at the time. Buuuttt I learned my lesson and I'll be more careful next time :3

I also updated the last post with the New Dubbed Version, so do give that a look if you're interested!

A bunch of things with the dubbing will likely change in the future, so I'll do the lip flaps later once everything is completely done.

And lastly, tho we may be in the super late stages of production, it is still a whip. So please do feel free to give any useful feedback for me or miss Nyono :3

And that's about it! Hope you like it you absolute Chad!

PS: Patreon's been pretty weird lately with payments declining and a bunch of other issues all over the place. Hope they fix it soon :/


Aug. 19, 2023 Edit: Small changes to the volumes based on Chad feedbacks
-Made the cooming sound at 00:26 more noticeable (Massdiff)
-Increased the slapping sounds for the more intense scenes (Pentrifo)
-Lowered the slapping sound for the fingering scene (Ichigo Kurosaki)




Nice job man, are you gonna end this whole thing with a kiss between the two?


Perhaps an odd question, will there be a non-dubbed sound release? Not to discount her amazing voice work. I play the game in a different language so it’s a little odd hearing an English voice.