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Sucrose's experiment didn't turn out the way it usually does...
Oh well. At least she can talk now :3

Watch through Mega:



Exactly one month ago (daym... it's really been a month already), someone reached out to me, asking for permission to voice act Happy Accident Part 1.
Thinking, that she'll just do a snippet of the animation and post it somewhere. I then jokingly replied "Go for it XD".

Then one week later, this mad lass actually sent me the audio clips of her doing the ENTIRE thing.... Both Sucrose AND Lumine... FOR FREE!

Now ofc, such act of chadness cannot go unnoticed, so I immediately asked if she'd be willing to do the voice acting for Part 2. And that's how I found my VA, Nyono!
Well... she found me but I digress!

Tho the clip that she sent was far from perfect, It was easy to see the potential. So after giving some proper reference material for Sucrose and Lumine's voice lines, plus a heck of a lot of notes and advice. I basically asked her to do it again! But this time, without speedrunning it XD. And that's how this dub came to be :3

And with actual pay this time ofc... Damn well would've done it again for free if I hadn't insisted XD

On another note. I had originally intended to post this on the 15th of July, which was also the day when I posted my first animation, Prank Gone Wrong to newgrounds (daym... it's really been a year already). Which essentially marks the birth of Pink Sama!.. and Hu Tao too, but that's besides the point :P

Unfortunately, it was not meant to be. But it's aight, coz I'm still grinning ear-to-ear finally seeing one of my creations, actually voice acted XD. Plus, now that Nyono and I now have used Part 1 as a sort of training grounds, Part 2 should turn out even better!... The thought of having to do lip flaps still haunts me tho, but I'll just suck it up XD.

Which reminds me, super special mention to Mahalja (Now Massdiff), Alexandru, and Matt who supported me from the literal day 1, up to this day. You would not believe the joy you gave me when I first saw those first patreon notifications T-T

And lastly. Since I decided to have the audio wips to be voiced before posting them. I haven't been able to post anything for a while now... sorry bout that. Buttt at least I now have 2 out of the 4 Audio WiP's done and waiting to be dubbed, with the 3rd set to be done by the end of the month. I'd also have the first dubbed wip released by then. Otherwise I'd seriously consider pausing billing this month :p

Oh! And if you wanna check out the absolute Chadess miss Nyono, and maybe show some support. She also streams on twitch! https://www.twitch.tv/Nyono8008
Just remember to always be respectful and well mannered Chads for me m'kay?

And with that, I hope you like this one, coz I certainly did you absolute Chad!




I am 100% down for VA post, I just have a quick question Will this be the end of sound only post? One of the main appeals to your work was the great sound design and how I could imagine my own set of unique voices while listening( I'm specifically talking sound effects only + dialogue text No VA)


Well removing the Voice Acting from a scene is literally a click of a button away so... Making a sperate SFX only wip isn't too much of a prob if you chads want it :3 Sayyy... if this comment gets 5, 10 likes? I'll do it for every Audio WiP hehe


watching the scenes play out with sounds only really added to the entensity of the dialougue imo a rather Show not tell of their feelings for each other 🤔 really nice

Ichigo Kurosaki

Damnnnnnn! From the clip that she sent you, that Sucrose is DEAD ON. I'm kinda shocked and can see how you saw potential in her. Now having heard the final version - ohh boy - I love her rendition of them both even more. Some improvement in both cadence and voice. I'm really excited to hear Part 2 and what you have in terms of even further improvement! Kinda crazy this fell into your lap, but you do make crazy good animations, so I'm not surprised quality work finds other quality :) Grateful for your time and effort in these animations, Pink! Thanks to all those early on for taking the chance on you. Been loving it here ever since I joined! ^_^


Pleasure being along for the ride. Definitely seeing some potential in Nyono. Nice seeing some attention on your part too since I imagine it was pretty hard to turn down someones charity for the second time now. Unrelated, but I saw this creampie the other day and thought of you (Totally deranged comment that you would never hear off the internet) https://rule34video.com/videos/3096429/venom-rentegra/ It felt kinda similar to that last one in HA Pt2 so I just thought it could be some good reference material


This is awesome


I love the VA ! this looks amazing!


I am super happy and proud to be working with such an amazing animator like Pinksama! I've never really played genshin so i hope to learn more about these characters and their voices!! I also cant wait to meet you lads, Pinksama talks about you all very lovingly~ ❤️


Haven't considered that before... I was sure someone's gonna ask for a moans only version, but not SFX only version XD I can defo see your point tho, so idm putting in a teensy bit of extra work for your uhh... viewing pleasure hehe


Right??!!! I was already planning on asking a whole bunch of VA people and delve into various discord and reddit groups to find me one. Then poof! There she is at my doorstep XD... Absolutely crazy! Also crazy to think that she's apparently only been in the business for a year now. With this being her first big role, as far as I can tell. Defo a talent worth taking a chance on :3 Awww... And I've been loving YOU ever since you joined in hehe


Didn't had a chance to turn her charity down the first time tbh. She just kinda went "Here ya go!" and there it is! At this point, I just take these comments as a compliment XD. I'm still not sure how they manage to make the streams so thin and sticky. Maybe it's fluid sim when it squirted out, but then switched to manual 3D modeling and sculpting mid-flight for the ones that stuck to the rebar. Very well executed if that's the case. One of the unfortunate side effects of being an animator urself tho. Is that once y'know what to look for, you can't stop looking at it and it becomes super distracting. Like her shoulders and hips being super stiff, and Mercy's clit hanging out a lil too much for my liking. And now it's super tough to uhh... enjoy them anymore T-T It is pretty good material tho, so super thanks for that hehe

Apocalyptic Hobo

Absolute Madlass and dedication to the craft to voice and entire 20 minute+ video for free, I'm glad that you made sure to compensate her for the work though. While I can understand goodwill and charity I still like to see effort rewarded, especially now that she's onboard for what amounts to a short movie between now and the finished project. To the VA Nyono, congratulations on landing the role and thank you for bringing life to the characters. Given Pinksama's direction you absolutely nailed Sucrose's reserved and shy mannerisms and it's nice to hear Lumine's devilish advances and teasing. Also congratulations to you too Pinksama in regards to crossing another milestone for your work. The characters and scenarios you toiled days on end creating now have been given life via voice acting, day by day you grow your audience and recognition. Time really does fly doesn't it?


Porns one hell of a drug. Both fair criticisms. I do like the vag's slight "puffiness", but agree that the clits a bit much. I think I mainly liked the cadence of the orgasm at the end. The way it was stretched out and you could tell it was coming in waves. I was a little baked when I made that comment but I'm pretty sure that's what I meant


Absolutely fantastic! You both have done outstanding work! You should add an extra tier for us to sub to so we can give you extra funding! EDIT: Yes, I mean even more than what you have now. You definitely deserve it.


Ahh... a fellow puffiness enjoyer. Specifically the labia region, but not so much the clit XD Hmmm... I should prolly add a puffiness adjustment feature to the gen 2's as well.


Awww... thanks :3 If you reeeally wanna support me even more, theeeen I guess you'll just have to stick around longer hehe :p


Yep! Even tried the classic lowballing XD. Buttt I had already saved up funds specifically for this job so... she's gonna get all of it. Plus a little extra of my personal pocket for the absolute act of chadness she's displayed XD It does... it really does...


Any chance for a version without the BGM or at least lowering it? it's not bad but it seems really loud compared to the talking and sfx sounds. Either way amazing work.


Balancing volumes is something that do still struggle with. Butttt I have, and will be getting a lot more practice with it in the next couple weeks sooo ...fingers crossed, the next VA wips will be more palatable XD As for redoing the BGM for this one. Nope! Not right now at least. This is really more of a practice run than an official dubbing really. And I don't plan on touching it again unless I commit to fleshing it out super hard. Like with lip flaps and stuff :P