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Welp... guess Sucrose wont be sitting down for a while :3

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TLDR? Try listening to this blab in Sucrose's voice! (mega):



Went a little easy on making this one, just to make it up for the last couple times :3

I took 2 back-to-back day offs, before pretty much doing the usual... But this time, no overtimes! (except tonight :p). Ofc I would've liked to do a bit more work. Maybe fix up the dialogue's pacing and perhaps even extend the hardcore scene a little longer. But I've know first hand the effects of extended overwork so I'm not taking any chances :p

I also did some experimenting on Succ's outfit and eventually settled for the torn look! I initially went away with her corset completely, but it ended up looking too... bare. It also made the stomach bulge harder to see coz there's no contrast between the color of her skin and the clothes anymore. So I just ripped it instead!.. Still shows more skin, but without compromising the bulges' visibility :3

Speaking of bulges, I've also changed its look!

Because of anal's different uhmm... "angle of attack". Coming more from Succ's back towards her belly button, rather than from below her crotch, going up her torso. The previous stomach bulge didn't really make sense anymore... So I updated it!

Tho I am still unsure whether I should make the bulge more... "pokey"? As in, exaggerate the shape of the penis' poking head on her belly. And really sell the idea of Lumine's rigid girth pushing on Succ's belly... Or to stick with what I got going right now, which is the "not so rigid dick that hits the belly wall then curves up towards, and past the belly button" approach... Do let me know what you think :3

Hmmm... That got me wondering how interestingly frustrating, figuring out how bulges would look like once I do double pen stuff. Oh well, we'll leave that for distant future me to worry about :P

On another topic. You might remember from my last wip about the possibility of me working with a sound designer by the name of ArsenalSFX. Well... After doing a test run, it was pretty apparent that he wasn't ready for the job... Ngl, this made me more than a bit sad. As I've always wanted to work with and collaborate with other artists, much in the spirit of Newgrounds :l

Still, he was quite receptive to feedbacks and I did saw potential in his works. So I set aside a couple of hours and whipped up a little guide for him and shared some of the clips I used in part 1... Who knows? Maybe distant future me might eventually get to work with him :3

But anyways, I haven't had much chance to play genshin for weeks now and I've got a LOT of catching up to do so...

Hope you like it you absolute Chad!




I personally believe softer looking bulges to be more attractive, especially in motion. Sharp bulges seem very unrealistic (on top of the already unrealistic situations any animation may present) and make it seem painful rather than pleasantly filling. Edit: I was trying to avoid a huge run on paragraph but my phone won't let me do a line break, so here we go lol. A side note, I wanted to get your take on something very particular and a personal interest. I am a HUGE fan of the urethral throbbing on a dick during climax with each shot of cum. Thing is, I don't know how feasible it is for someone to animate it in, but I love it every time it is there. But I just wanted to gauge your interest in something like that. On getting some angles in where that is possible. If you are interested I have some very tasteful examples I can send you.


She's gonna cum buckets in her ass right? 😩❤️


Soo when will the full version be released?


Normally I don’t care for anal stuff, but this is just to good not to enjoy.

Ichigo Kurosaki

Really, really hot stuff, Pink! Lots of transitions and face emoting in this one. As always, love the dialogue between these two. Sucrose finally finding someone willing to see her dirty side and Lumine confessing to liking her and pushing her out of her comfort zone. Pretty wholesome stuff, despite the anal lol A detail callout are the hand/arm movements around 1:30 onward as some of my favorite of this WIP. I like the intimacy between the two and it kinda sold how they felt in each moment towards the end. I like the torn look of Sucrose and a big fan of the bulge as it is. Feels "natural" and not too crazy, but I like my bulges to be on the tamer side. Sorry about the audio guy falling through and hope you get a chance to catch up in Genshin! The new area is pretty cool :) Take care dude! Can't wait for Sucrose to fully give in!


Looks fantastic but I think the boots make the angle a bit odd but that’s just my opinion.


Yay, updates from Pink Sama! Looking great as usual, also glad you taking more rest time haha. Will looking forward for more future update, can't wait for the full product!! 🥹🫶


The expressions were definitely the highlight of this part. I especially liked the hugging position before the lick. And as a fan of small chest/thick thighs, that angle accentuated them nicely. Enjoying the aggressive pounding scenes too. I feel like you see that kind of thing in drawn smut a fair but it seems it rarely makes its way into animation. 3.6 has been pretty cool so far. Definitely feel more engaged in the new area compared to the one they added in 3.4. It was still cool but felt a little empty.


Ahh... Gotcha! Thanks for your input :3 As for the throbbing pumps, I did a little bit on Happy Accident Part 1 with Succ's climax. Tho it was pretty lowkey. I also plan on giving it another go for Lumine's penultimate climax. But this time, it'll be a bit more... pronounced hehe... As for the examples, I would love to see some them :D


At my current rate, prolly sometime around June... Tho if there's one thing I've learned in my short time of producing full length animations, It's that I am garbage at planning things out :p


Oh!.. I never would've guessed you weren't into butt stuff XD... Oh well, still glad you liked it :3


It's like the uhmm... calm before the storm I guess? XD. Things kinda pick up from here on till the ending, and I wanted to set it up as best as I can by focusing on character development on this wip. Hence the focus on emotions! Really makes the hardcore, balls deep action much hotter when you get have a sensual, slow-paced scene setting it up imo. You might've noticed a pattern by now of slow, dialogue focused sexy scenes, followed by intense cheek clapping, then back to heart-to-heart dialogues, rinse and repeat... Crazy thing is, I never intended that to happen, nor did I noticed it till... a month ago tbh XD. I kinda just, eventually gravitated to that style of writing. You really see the smaller details huh. Pretty impressive how consistent you are at it too XD. But yeah, It's pretty time and effort intensive doing it which is why i don't focus on it often. But this scene just begs for it XD Gotcha! That's 2/2 chads opting for softer bulges now. And don't worry, she'll eventually get around to it hehehe...


Ahh got it!.. I think... Actually I'm still not sure XD. Could you perhaps be a bit more specific :3

Ichigo Kurosaki

Hahah I actually didn’t I notice the narrative choice of intimate dialogue scenes between the hardcore sex. I think it works really well, though! Now that you know your “tell”, you can find small ways to “break” it to keep us on our toes 😏 I’m excited to see what you take from this to apply in your future work. Your animated emotions and dialogue work gets better every update :)

Ichigo Kurosaki

As a fellow enjoyer of small chest/thick thighs, it’s an honor to meet you, Massdiff lol Always love seeing you comment on here


Ahh... I can defo see why Yanfei and Hu Tao are at the top of your list XD. Know what, now that I really think of it... We really don't have that many ground and pound smut out there. Especially in 2D animations... Most just tend to be just 3 frames cycled at sanic speeds... Must be a nightmare animating them properly :/ Man I'm reaaaallly behind... I haven't even started Scara's rehab arc yet XD I gotta at least finish one main quest for every WiP I post from now on. Plus whatever side event MHY launches. Especially with fontaine right around the corner T-T


Ohhh... What an interesting Idea!.. You sir just added another tool in my writing toolbox XD


@Ichigo Kurosaki Nice to see you're also an appreciator. I can't seem to escape them. Yanfei, Hu Tao, Senti, Nia. They're even all smug/bratty. @Pink Sama Definitely recommend taking it slow and not forcing it. 3.6 dumped a fair few quests/collectibles on you on top of a new event. In the past I would've tried to blast through it but now I just stop playing when I'm not feeling it anymore. Bouncing around doing all the new little things all at once does ruin the experience a bit. I haven't even started the event yet but the time limit is fairly generous and I know I'll be able to wrap up whatever I'm currently doing without stressing


Near the end with lumine, her movement imo seems odd since the boots are in that sitting position & huge but again that’s just my opinion of it


No no! Don't worry, I value your opinion!.. So much so in fact, that I'm gonna have to ask a timestamp, and ask which leg we're talking about XD


Ahh... good advice. I should prolly spread it out more evenly then... 1 to 2 quest chapters a day it is!.. As soon as this chonky 10gb update is done anyway :l


It’s from 2:09 till end but like I said it’s just my opinion of that one particular part doesn’t mean the animation isn’t great (it is great).


Ahhh gotcha... What a keen pair of eyes you got there XD. The camera angle did make her shoe look a bit big, plus the angle between her foot and legs is too acute. I should prolly raise her heel a bit more then! Thanks for pointing that out. Never would've noticed it myself :3


Assuming Pink Sama's update schedule has changed from 5 days per update to 7-8 days from now on, since it seems close to ending already, maybe Pink Sama needs some extra time for rest and to catch up with Genshin's update xD


Sorry for the late reply, I tend to go offline during the later stages of wips to focus more... But anyways, I did manage to catch up on some genshin stuff. Finally finished Mommy_Issues' (formerly known as scaramouche) quest which was pretty cool imo! Though it felt more of a filler ep, it's still interesting nonetheless. As for my sched, On average, 7-8 days is pretty spot on. Though to be more precise, I'd say 8-10 for the first drafts (as that's when I have to make new scenes from scratch) and 4-7 for polished wips, depending on how detailed I went on the first drafts. I don't think I can physically go any faster than that tho, At least not without some drop in quality. Sorry bout that :p


Oh it's okay, we will always look forward for any update haha, so please take as much as you need for make it better🫶


you have such a good attitude and passion please never change


Awww :3... It'll be pretty naive of me to promise that I never will. After all, the only constant in this world is change. But I'll be sure to give it my best :D