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Just add hair and cloth physx + Audio, and it's pretty much done!

Watch through google drive:


Alt link (Mega)



TLDR? Try listening to this blab in Sucrose's voice! (mega):



I've been in a working craze for a while now, nearly pulling 60hrs a week to my usual 50... And I was actually ahead of schedule by a day for this wip, at one point!.. Until I decided to spend two more to do some extra polish :p. On another topic... I changed my workflow!... Well... I've been changing it for a while now, but anyways!

My previous workflow says that I should do the bare animations for "First Drafts WiPs". Then polish it, add lighting, and remove clipping for the "Polished WiPs". Then finally add the SFX and BGM, along with the cloth, hair, and jiggle physics for the last "Audio WiPs"... Each of which takes roughly around a week to make. This ofc, allowed me to post on a weekly basis. But it had 2 big probs.

-One is that the first drafts end up being pretty bare/rough and we only get to see the jiggle at the tail end of the production.

-And another is that, during the later stages where I've finished all of the Polished Wips, where it's now time to upgrade them to Audio Wips. There comes a whole month and a half where it's just Audio Wips, back to back, with no new scenes being produced.

So I've been reallocating a lot of the work from the later, Audio Wips and sprinkling them on the First Drafts, and Polished Wips... Which is why it's been taking quite a bit longer to make them these past few weeks (Also the upgrade to 60 Fps and me learning Fluid sims but mostly this :P). But yeah... Hope it's not too much of an inconvenience for you Chads :D

Moving swiftly on!.. I've also given the fingering climax another go. And while I was working on it, I realized that fluid sim simply can never really stand on its own when it comes to... well cum (It's pretty good at watersports tho :3). So I did some good ol' fashioned, manual cum modeling/sculpting to accompany it. And it looked great!

With the fluid sim doing the majority of the work with the flowing cum, and the manual modeling for the residue. I'm a couple steps closer to getting that cumming action that I've always envisioned XD

I've also done my first attempt at climax spasm!.. First with the rather cute "shiver" from Sucrose after the fingering scene, and another with Lumine's climax! The latter of which really gave the scene that..."grrrrr" XD... Giving the impression that Lumine was really pressing hard on it XD... Still could defo use some improvement tho... But we'll get there Ichigo :D

Oh! And one more important thing... Arsenal SFX recently reached out to me, inquiring on how I did the audio on Happy Accident. And after some chatting, I looked at his portfolio and was pretty impressed with some of his works. Mainly the ones that really focuses on the sloshy, squishy sounds that I'm a sucker for XD

So I'll be sending him this WiP to do a sort of test run to see if he can help me out with the Audio stuff, and potentially shave off a good 2-3 weeks of production time!

I never really worked with anyone before so ngl, I'm pretty excited XD.

I'll still be the one doing the BGM tho since that's integral to the "scene by scene mood" that I'll be going for. And I'll also be giving some general advice to make sure that we still get the same vibe as Part 1.

But enough rambling! Hope you like it, you absolute Chad!



Daniel Martell

I'm so excited to see the direction of all your polish ☺️

Ichigo Kurosaki

Yoooo! Please don't burn out by working so much :( I can only speak for myself, but I'd rather wait a few more days or an extra week so you don't have to pull crazy work hours. I know it prolly won't change much, but I needed to speak my peace! That said, I appreciate the work and can definitely see the polish work in this one :) Polish cum to be specific :) Noticed some still inside Sucrose after the fingering scene and when Lumine pulled out from climax and her dick grazed Sucrose's hand. Nice touches of polish there, for sure! Cum gets everywhere it seems lol Spasms! Wooooooo! Even if just a rough draft, I like that you're attempting them :) The one from Sucrose was pretty cute. The Lumine one was pretty subtle. Almost toooo subtle. Had you not said anything, I think I'd know something changed, but wouldn't be able to put my finger on it. Still, it did add to the scene and it's a WIP! The butt jiggle of Sucrose during that climax helped too! I'm just happy you're trying spasms! Crazy how much the little polish stuff adds up to sell it Alsooooo I looked up 'Arsenal SFX' on Google was shocked since the first result is a team that worked with Disney and had contacted you. :D I was like, "wow! a cinematic audio team. what are the chances?!" haha. Knowing who they are now (thanks to adding 'porn' to the search), they do have some good, squishy sounds! Some of the audio is a bit over the top for my taste, but I'm happy if it works out for this and saves you lots of time! (seriously, don't over work so much lol) Thanks for the update, Pink!! Everything is coming (heh) out so well


While a new update every ~5 days was nice, I agree that it was a bit sad when you got to the polish/audio phase and knowing there wasn't going to be a whole lot of new content for a while. A few extra days isn't a big deal for me so I think it's a good outcome. I can imagine leaving a big chunk of the finicky tedious stuff to the end can be a bit off-putting too The new cum looks good too. I noticed it sticks a bit rather than just falling out which definitely looks better. It also looks a bit thicker which is nice. When studying it just now it looked a bit like the old cum was on the verge of colliding the wrong way and flying across the room gmod style


Very excited to see any sort of update or WIP but please don't overworked yourself :( Please take as much time you need for polishing the final product.


Man you really lost the waifu lottery. I was curious so I tallied up how much art there is of each Genshin girl on sankakucomplex and averaged it out to pics/day. Not perfect but gives an idea. I believe a while ago you said that Noelle, Sucrose and Xiangling were some of your favourites, and all 3 of them (and Yanfei my beloved) are in the bottom 8


Awww... Thanks for the concern, but don't worry tho! I haven't pulled any 60hr work week since the start of the year, and I most likely won't be doing it again any time soon :D I do really like dem residues tho :3... Adds a little bit more work to sculpt them by hand but definitely worth it imo. Coz cum really does go everywhere, and fluid sims alone is just too... clean XD Lumine's spasm was pretty noticeable when I haven't put the jiggles yet. But once I did, it kinda just... disappeared. Perhaps overwhelmed and cancelled-out by Sucrose's shear jiggliness. We'll get it next time tho :3 Yeahhh... I prolly should've put a link to his twitter XD. I've also already sent this wip to him and I'm now waiting to see what he does with it. I didn't give any directions or guidance yet tho. I just want to see what he can do on his own, first hehehehe.


Yeahh... I remember doing some emergency Teapot Paradise animation just to get the animation itch out of my system at some point XD. I kinda miss working on it now. But I've got some other plans for it in the near future so it'll have to wait a little longer hehehe. I'm also pretty close to the peak of what I can do now with fluid sims tbh. And I've kind of hit a wall again... Which is why I've resorted to manual cum modeling XD... And unless I find another thing that can improve it drastically (other than upgrading my cpu to the overpriced high tier ones), this'll prolly be how future cums will look like... Not bad tho tbh :3 lol Gmod style XD


Awww thanks... Don't worry tho, I'll be sure to take care of myself... And so should you!.. Remember to always stay hydrated and get enough exercise for me ok? Hehe...


Ahhh... But the thing is, my good sir... Is that I am an absolute sucker for under appreciated, underrated, underdogs (with good/charming personalities... bonus point if wearing glasses). And I'm at peace with the fact that there's not enough... content of them. Which is why I make more of it! Almost like a paradox really... I like them coz their unpopular, so I try to give them the spotlight... Deep... Anyways, I didn't know you're also into Yanfei! I do love her smug face, and personality tho XD


I always liked Yanfei but something in the 2.7 update made it click for me. Pretty surprising that Sucrose is the only character (besides Dori technically) that has glasses too. Also never really thought about it but 3 of my top 5 have smug personalities. Guess I have a type. Going through a journey of self-discovery in the comment section of a video of Sucrose getting railed apparently


Yep!.. I need more glasses XD. I remember when human bayonet- *ehem*... cloud retainer was shown in the event... whew... I wonder if I can somehow fit her in a A Night in Teyvat series XD


I'm a little sad about Cloud Retainer. I was hoping they'd add Fu Hua as an archon (As they've done so far with other major characters from Honkai). She's still hot, but they didn't even give her Hua's flat chest 😭


Not to sound overdramatic or anything but 2:30 to 2:55 might be best sex animation I have ever seen.