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Don't forget to bring your umbrella!

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TLDR? Try listening to this blab in Sucrose's voice! (mega):



Yeah... So I was pretty sick for a few days... Luckily, it was the kind where you can still work through it. So it didn't delay this wip too much. It was actually kind of funny now that I think of it.

See a friend of mine caught the common cold, to which I then said "Hehe... Skill issue." And the following day, she was fine!.. Aaaaand I also caught it. Ahhh... how the turntables -_-

But enough of that! Let's talk about squirting!.. After spending yet another day of fiddling around with virtual cum... well, I guess pee this time. And actually looking up the blender manual (which didn't help one bit), we now have some proper squirty action!

I also did some research on what "squirt" even is (for research purposes of course... wait a sec). And found out that it wasn't just urine but some other stuff as well! But what's more important, is that after looking at countless... samples. I was able to make it look quite realistic!.. Well I make it sound a lot more complicated but it basically just looks like hazy water, but still! Effort, payed off ( ´∀`)b.

Ofc there's still a lot more room for improvement, but also ofc, we'll get there eventually :3

Also, I tried animating in 60 fps right from the get go! No more conversions. One issue that I found with starting with 60 tho, is that you can "fine tune" every movement a lot more than the 30. Which is great!!! Butttttttt it also means it takes longer for me to animate the same movements. Y'know what! Imma whip out the Nahida strat and give you an analogy!

Imagine sculpting with only a pretty big, say... spoon-sized chisel! Nevertheless, you end up with a piece that you actually like! But then some dude gives you a finer sized chisel... And now, that piece that you we're satisfied with, now starts looking a lot crappier than before XD. So you spend even more time and effort detailing it!.. Not a bad analogy eh?... Ehh?!...

So what does this all mean? Well... The "first-draft" wips would prolly take a day longer to make from now on, coz Imma be animating more detailed stuff... But then again, the "polished" wips would prolly take a day less coz I won't have to convert it anymore... Sooooo, not much :p

And lastly... This animation is getting a loooottt longer than I thought it would... Like, with the previous 8 wips as reference, I estimated the rest of the sexy scenes (not including the ending scene) to take at leeeaast 8 more mins...

Add then the ending and we're looking at a 20-24 min range... Might as well commit to a full Happy Accident part 2 instead of just a continuation at that point. Would also prolly be easier for the VA now that I think of it... Ahhh we'll cross that bridge when we get there.

That's about it! Hope you like it you absolute Chad!

PS: Tried making a Lumine voice. Aaanddd it was... okay tbh. Tho it sounded a bit more generic than I would like... I'll try and fine tune it a bit more in the future, but for now, we'll always have our lovely Sucrose :D



Ichigo Kurosaki

I love that you've made Lumine so thirsty for more Sucrose that she didn't notice that she was using the wrong hole. Plus Sucrose gaining some confidence to tell her, but also squirting despite the mix up. Oooooooo Sucrose is so close to cummin :D I think you nailed squirting pretty well. Didn't read your notes till after I watched and was convinced, plus the liquid on camera detail I'm a big fan of! I also really like that you do sex positions for these two that feel more intimate that just your normal riding position, doggy...etc. Feels a little more "raw" or passionate which feels more like what they'd do (for some reason, I dunno). The edging you've done before we get to see Sucrose in ecstasy is so painful, yet shows you've done a great job building up to her moment. Really looking forward to more, Pink!!


That shot at around 25 sec made me think of something: have you considered doing any autofellatio?


This was actually really good. Definitely scratched my "multiple forced orgasms" itch somewhat. Ngl didn't have the highest expectations for squirting. Mostly just because fluids are hard and I figured it'd look a bit off, but it actually turned out pretty good Sucrose enthusiastically exclaiming "squirting" also caught me off guard


I never knew there was term for that. You really do learn something new everyday XD But nah... Tho I'm sure that with the right setup, it can be hot. Y'know what!.. I'm no ShindoL but let's make an example... -Say Hu Tao accidentally found the Pink Potion in the traveler's stash, but not the ordinary ones! The earlier, more unstable prototypes... Basically the same effects we see in HA (kok plus increased libido) but cranked up to 11, -And with the troublemaking quirk that she has. She ends up growing a Capital KOK with a horni level that's over 9000. -Then ofc we have the "W-What the heck is this?! *starts fondling/stroking* Wait... T-This sensation!.. I-It's enough to send anyone to the afterlife!.. *looks at kok like a snack*... It looks gross... but- -Commence autofellatio and Hu Tao really gets into it until- Xiangling: Hey Hu Tao... I saw one of your posters in front of wanmin again... Now what did I tell you abo- -Transition from Futa Autofellatio to Futa x Girl tags


I really do appreciate these comments from you :3 As much as I like critiques that dissect the aspects that are lacking from my animations (which then allows me to improve it). It's also nice to the opposite. It gives me affirmation that nearly all of the details, including the finer ones, aren't overlooked, but are actually appreciated. Thanks mate :)


Glad you're a fan of the squirt! Good 'ol trial and error always does the trick XD I'm sure it'll keep looking better as long as I keep butting my head against the wall :D That said... Prolly won't be doing it too often. Maybe save it for special occasions. Coz sheeesh... The fluid stuff alone on this bad boi (including the camera splashes) already took a couple days to make... so yeah. Oh! And I also did the thing you said and spliced 3 different Sucrose readings. Did you notice it? hehe...


Still not gonna do it tho :p... I still got a lot more tags lined up to check off of my list XD


The first 10 seconds sounded pretty good but after that I kinda have to try to hear her voice. I think the AI just struggles a bit with using the right intonation. Tbh she kinda sounds like a Tara Strong character lol.


Your animation is one of the smoothest out there, and I love the increase to 60 frames a sec. It feels slick! XD And damn, your animation activates my neurons a ton, something about it is so good I don't know the right word to describe it XD


Yep. It quickly turns to sassy sucrose after the beginning... kinda like it tbh XD. Also adds to the hilarity of it. Oh! Which reminds me. Since I had to cut Paimon out of Lumine's voice lines, I tried to generate her too, but it wasn't even close to being... paimon like. Imagine if paimon talked normally, but then sprinkle some sass XD


Could it be the inexplicable feeling of wanting more out of Lumine? Like, if you can just somehow encourage her to go all out... Like, If only she would do it harder, better, faster... perhaps even... stronger? No?... Nvm then, guess that's just me XD


XD I believe it's her dommy nature in this, I love the sub/dom dynamic. Lumine just taking control and Sucrose taking it XDDD


Ahhh... A fellow femdom enjoyer! Reminds of XL and Hu Tao's subdom, tho Hu Tao isn't the type to just take it XD. Hmmm... I am starting to miss working with those two :/


sucroses voice was very amusing again and I can't wait for the full animation I'll support you for as long as I can you deserve it


Awwwww.... thank you!.. I can never express enough how lucky I am to have people like you by my side :3


wow that was amazing! Today, Pink-sama, you are the chad!


I've been waiting to see what the resident watersport connoisseur thinks of this one... And am I glaaadddd you liked it XD... Thanks again for the examples you sent... Really showed me what's even possible with fluid sims. Might've even considered calling my first attempt to be.... good nuff, if it weren't for you XD. Ofc I still got a loooong ways to even get to Hydrafxx's level of fluid sim, but we'll get there :D