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Image's context: Set a few months after Happy Accident, Lumine introduces Sucrose and pinku to the Liyue girls. How did Sucrose get to Liyue? Guess you'll just have to wait for HA's ending :p


I wanted to announce my plans for this year but couldn't squeeze it in my previous post so I made this!.. I also had a plan last year but since I was the only one who knew of said plan, along with its arbitrary deadlines, I ended up just... not following it anyway. So this time around, I'm sharing it with you! Just to add an incentive for myself to keep focused and to make sure not to let you down :3

Happy Accident (Ending) Est. Time: 2-3 Mos. (Yeahhhh... no. See post notes :P)

First on the list ofc is the continuation of Happy Accident! The goal is to finish the animation before the end of March. Though I'm still not sure how long voicing it would take. Eh... We'll cross that bridge when we get there.

Teapot Paradise Est. Time: 2-3 Mos.

After Happy Accident's completion, I'll then turn my full attention on PGW's mini-sequel, Teapot Paradise! Polishing what I've already done, animating the intro scene, and adding sfx. Shouldn't take longer than 3 months I'd say.

Prank Gone Wrong (Remake) Est. Time: 4-6 Mos... probly 6 :l

3rd on the list would be the remake of A Night in Liyue! New models, added scenes, better lighting, same'ol femdom goodness :3

I'll be reusing the animations/scenes from the previous version, and giving it a new coat of paint, maybe even extend some of the existing scenes! After which, we'll finally see the continuation of the story!

Speaking of which, the narrative will still stay the same. I'll also add a bit more dialogue here and there, but not as much as Happy Accident... As for what kind of narrative I'll be going for, well I've already explored the more wholesome side of loving in HA. Now I'd like to experiment on the uhmm... dirtier side... for PGW.

Basically femdom... Lots and lots of femdom.

Smutty Mondays (Side Project) Est. Time: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I always like to have a mini project (Short animations that are no longer than 10 mins.) going on while working on the main one. It helps me break the monotony of animating the same thing for months on end. Ofc Teapot Paradise is my side hustle for Happy Accident, so what'll I be working on alongside Prank Gone Wrong? I've no idea... Happy Accident spinoff? Mondstadt & Liyue crossover? Who knows... I'll come up with something eventually XD

That's pretty much it! Hope everything works out as planned... for a change :D

PS: I meant to post this yesterday, but after working out, I was deaaaaddd. Didn't even manage to finish half of my usual routine XD. Oh well, I'll get there eventually.

Oh! And one more thing. I tried speedrunning Hades since Genshin content is pretty slow rn. Managed to get sub 13 mins! Shieeee-... before uninstalling it right after. It just takes too much of my time so no bueno for me :/ Really fun tho!

PS2: April 2023 Pink Sama here! So the original plan was to just extend Happy Accident by about 8-10 mins. Which was to be finished by the end of March... Buuuutttt I suck at compressing my ideas (and planning in general) and now we're at minute 14 with 2 more sexy scenes and the ending to come.

So I decided to go for a full length 24 min part 2! As for when it'll be finished. Hmm... well I made Part 1 in 5 months so part 2 will prolly be done sometime around June, since I started working on part 2 at the start of the year.

Oh! Plus the time to VA part 1 & 2 (which I've no idea how long that would take) but that's after the animation is finished anyway... It's like a cherry on top sort of thing XD

As for the rest of this years plan, It's pretty much the same. Except it'll be moved by 2-3 months (sorry bout that, I tried -_-). And as for the Xiangling x Hu Tao fans out there, I'll make it up to you, I promise (*TーT)b...




Thanks for letting us know your road map, I appreciate your hard work and hope to see more of it when you are ready to share, don’t overwork yourself and have fun making the animations. These are really beautiful.


You mentioned that you had plans for 2futas on 1 girl and maybe/maybe not futa x futa for the future. Will that be involving these 4, or a new group of characters? I know this is waaaaay too early to be asking this, but I'm just curious. Also, given Lumine's inner thoughts in HA, will there be a prequel animation involving her and Aether "hanging out?" Again, way too early to be asking but curiosity does what it do XD.


I wouldn't say too much as it'll be pretty spoilery. But the 2 futa on 1 girl is still a thing that I'll be doing this year :3 No Aether tho, I'm still not up for real male pp :p


Would it be safe to say these 4 are in your top 5?


Top 5 waifu? Only Xiangling and Sucrose. Noelle too but I refuse to animate her clothes. And I only started appreciating Lumine's vanilla-ish design after I started working on HA, while Hu Tao's the first char that didn't come home to me (while C6 Xiangling did) which is why she's XL's bottom in my animations XD


Guess I got lucky then since Sucrose and Hu Tao are definitely in my top 5. Lumine isn't but definitely started liking her more somewhat recently (thighs)


I'm kind of a sucker for kemenomimi and glasses tags so yeah... I like Hu Tao too but I'm still bitter lol. I guess Lumine is sort of an acquired taste then? XD (She has some of the best doujins too)


Smug Lumine is best Lumine. Yae and Yanfei are a couple of my other faves. I swear its not because of the backwards ear/hairstyle (Though maybe it is)


Based roadmap. Love your work.

Ichigo Kurosaki

I really, really like how you breakdown your goals and give us a roadmap. Appreciate it and hope you give yourself enough breaks to avoid burnout. Love your work and wish you the best!


My appreciation for all the NICE work! (While reading this I look at my work and think: right.. I need a proper plan like this... -_-