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It's time to put them all together!

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Whew! At long long last, we finally got the last bit done! Admittedly, it took me a day longer than I would've wanted to finish it coz uh... I really wanted to be thorough with... the polishing! Yes! Definitely not because I tried the new TCG, instantly got addicted to it, and ended up spending two afternoons just playing it...

Aaaanyway... Now all that's left to do is to combine them all together, render them in 1080p and we'll have our first look at it's full length, high res glory! And if all goes well, It should be done in a couple of days! And don't worry, I'll be strong this time! I promise not to binge TCG again till all the work's done! o(TヘTo)

That saaiidd... I wouldn't mind sharing my Xiangling overload deck that I've been using to pub-stomp newbz if you'd like hehehe... A-Alright, I'll stop now...

Hope you like it you absolute Chad! ;D




I’m still quite curious as to how ‘big’ of and effect drinking that potion will have on Lumine.


Enough to do some... interesting things to Sucrose's tummy ;) It'll still be relatively in proportion tho. Moderation in all things, as they say hehe...

Touchscreen Thaumaturge

"It's time to put them all together!" // A Night in Teyvat: All Shall Be One


Noticed that you took out a line when Lumine tells Sucrose to destroy her asshole. Doesn't bother me too much but just curious why it was taken out.

Daniel Martell

I can't wait to see all of it together 😍


Ahhh keen eye you got there XD... While editing it, I thought to myself... Wait a minute, can I still talk while being choked? So I tried it, I couldn't XD (Eh... please don't try it, you'll prolly end up coughing your lungs out like me)


I guess I can still put it back but a bit distorted like: "Tha's it! Deshtroy it *ack*!" kind of thing.


Looking forward to seeing how big of a popularity boost you get after this I've kinda just been throwing together whatever in TCG. Seems to have worked fairly well for the NPC battles but I haven't actually done any PvP yet


Yeah.., I've also thought about that a few times. And it's kind of scary tbh... As I've never been in a position like this before... I've just been winging it this entire time, giving it what I can, and just hoping for the best... Will that still be enough in the future tho? Who knows... Guess we'll just have to find out :)


Batten down the hatches and prepare yourself for all the Mona/Ganyu/Shogun requests 😂