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One of the biggest things that I wanted to improve on my first animation are the facial expressions. And so I'll open this post with some words from a wise scholar...

"I need to be able to look down and see the fear, the glimmer of doubt in the eyes, that little hint of fear, not true fear, but just a little like uhhh?..."


With the setting done, I can now focus on animating dem sexy scenes. But for now, here are the key shots/frames for the 2nd part of teapot paradise :3

I originally planned on animating a few of the shots (especially the last bit), unfortunately, my fingers haven't been in the best condition for a while and I decided to take it easy for a few days. Still, I'm pretty satisfied with what I managed to cook up (Already looks pretty nice even without lighting Imo).

It always feels exhilarating to see what was once just ideas, playing in my mind, slowly turn into an actual thing that can be viewed not just by me but others as well.

Thank you for making this possible you absolute chad!




"Which one are you gonna eat first?" "You"