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Hello everyone!

First of all I wanna say a big thanks to all of you for being here as usual. I know I say that every time but it's honestly surreal seeing how our little community has grown. I'm extremely grateful.  After six months of this patreon running I've had a good chance to see how things operate and get a feel for how it fits into my life.

That being said I'll get right to the point. For those of you that don't know, I work a very busy full time day job in addition to running this patreon. In the past two months my work situation has changed (all good things just more responsibility!) and in addition to the patreon stretch goals adding work here, the current way things are going is no longer sustainable for me. I stuck with it the past two months to make sure I wasn't reacting too fast but I've been working an extremely unhealthy number of hours and I need to cut back.

Between my own considerations and the patreon survey I took last month, I'm going to be making these changes moving forward this month:

- Character sketch voting is being removed.
There was big consensus in the survey that this was the thing most folks were first to do away with, while conversely almost 0 folks were willing to give up suggesting ideas. The voting aspect of the character sketch suggestions is extremely time consuming between gathering up all the artwork and compiling suggestions in the doc. Removing this aspect allows me to jump right to work on them as they come in and catch my eye, as well as curate the complexity of character choices based on my available time that month. Ultra/Masterballers will still be able to submit suggestions each month, but I'll be selecting which ones to sketch. Animation voting and vote multipliers remain unchanged.

- Animations are going back down to single loops
Full honestly I grossly underestimated the amount of work this stretch goal would add. I expected the workload to be roughly 2x but its greatly more than that. As an example the old loops ranged from 9 - 16 drawings. Wolf link was 51 Gabiru was 38. In addition to adding so many extra frames, it adds an absolute ton of busy work colouring them in/working out motion, as well as ballooning the time spent waiting for things to export/compile as gifs. Gabiru will be the last multi scene one and we'll be returning to single loops/scenes like before.

- Future stretch goals are being removed.
Originally I had planned to decline overtime hours at work and replace them with patreon hours as I scaled up. Unfortunately with my new work situation this is no longer an option. For the time being I'll be removing stretch goals since I'm unable to scale up my time.

In exchange for these three cuts, I'm going to see about finishing up the rejected sketches as time permits. By not tying this to a specific month I can shuffle that work around as my schedule permits, as well as provide a little bit of extra content for you guys in the form of coloured images.


These changes will be in effect this month, which I'll be using as a test to see if this returns me to something I can sustain more long-term. I'll consider this a trial adjustment and continue to tweak as needed. I know we just started a new month before I announced this so if anyone would like to lower/remove their pledge as a result I'll totally understand. Just shoot me a discord message an I can get a refund sorted out for you. I don't want anyone to feel like they got bait and switched paying and then having the rewards changed.

Thanks everyone!!!

> LaPatte


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