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Here is Yuè (Yuèliang), for the lunar new year she is wearing a dress with a mix of Chinese and Japanese inspiration🏮

I wanted to draw an OC with pink hair for a change, but also an OC that I could draw throughout this year of the Wooden Dragon, and start a new series ("OC of the year" perhaps? 😊). The design may evolve over time and I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed drawing it.

It was initially supposed to be release for the Lunar New Year on February 10, but I preferred to take more time to develop her and write her story (soon be available on my website).

This is also the end of Term 102! I will close the term in the coming days.


In the meantime, here is a summary:

"Yuè is a mischievous and joyful deity, who favors festivities over her celestial obligations, transforming every moment into an unpredictable celebration. She passed the celestial tests of ascension quite young and gained immortality. During her ascension, she was given a new name, and the Dragon Kiryū was summoned to be assigned as her protective partner. This bond has granted her some of Kiryū's physical attributes, such as horns and a tail that she can make disappear at will.

Her fan is a celestial weapon carved from sacred wood and made from plum petals. Depending on her mood, she can create a blaze of petals, a fluffy bloom, or generate winds of wooden thorns, all while having the ability to change size and duplicate heself. She has a small jar and wears a large veil allowing her to teleport between the celestial and mortal worlds, now adorned with large sacred wooden bracelets.

She has a taste for a certain plum nectar that she enjoys during her visits to the mortal world. She plays with the strict rules of the celestial world with mischief, revealing intrigues and plots through her pranks and her sharp wit.

Graceful and agile, she embodies the power of the dragon and the dance of the wind. Yuè builds warm bonds with those who share her positivity and overflowing affection. Attentive to others, she nevertheless remains faithful to her own convictions."





She came out so amazing. She's so pretty. But that LORE! I love that she's a prankster but not the typically small loli. She seems so elegant and that smile melts. She would trick me in an instant and I'd be okay with it. Poster when?!?


Incredible!!! :O

austin eizenbrant

i adore her shes so beautiful by far my fav oc