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Hey everyone, first Happy New Year !
And second Term 101 is currently being done, and will be complete for the packs in a few days as explained in my previous post.

Thank you all so much for supporting me, and I hope you'll enjoy what's coming in 2024 ! I have plenty of ideas and things I want to do. I want to keep doing what I do and more.

I want to go to more convention and hopefully meet more people there.
I want to maybe do new secret projects (😊)
I want to create more things around OC's and Eyri project
Hopefully I can do all that and more in 2024.

Happy New Year !




Happy New Year Mitsu! I already know everything you'll make this year will be one big highlight reel! 🥰

M Suzuki

Happy New Year Mitsu! Lookinf forward to it