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Hey everyone!

Tomorrow is the official release of my first Daki (body pillow), and it's of course, Ai!
I partnered with Dakimakuri but will have a link to their website on my shop as well (tommorow). I wanted to make an early post for you guys to tell you a bit more details !

This is my first ever Dakimakura (both creating one and having one...) And I love it. I'm really happy with the overall quality. The colors and print quality are super nice and the quality of the actual pillow was really important when I chose the partner, so if you don't already own one, I would suggest the one I have from Dakimakuri as it's super soft and bouncy.  I use Ai mostly on the couch to get really comfy 🤗.
She's even taller than me 😅😑 So it's really big... or maybe I'm short 😓

Now to be transparent on how it works, I take a commission on each sell they make. Some partners propose to "buy the rights to sell the art" but that's not it here.
So for those interrested, I hope you will like this very first Dakimakura !


Daki teaser!



This is so amazing and a long time coming. I hope you do this with one of your OCs next. Those are who I want on a daki!