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Hey Everyone !

Here is a new animation preview that will be included in this term's package !

I have to say this really was a challenge both for me and of course WZ, the awesome animator who took on the challenge to produce it for the same term as the Hanako illustration.

I have to say that as always I am so happy to see my illustrations come to life, and I am definetely thinking about doing more and more.

But that's where I need your feedback and opinion ! You see, since the very first animation I commissioned, I always took that as a fun bonus, but also couldn't commit to one each month as it's a lot more additional work for me and of course to work with someone on the project.

But If I was to release more, like maybe once per month, as a regular thing, would you like it? Not as a bonus anymore, but as part of Tier Rewards that I'm commited to produce every month?

Or maybe to replace an illustration in a reward pack ?

Or maybe have more versions for one animation? Like Profile Pictures size + Wallpaper and Phone size when applicable?

Everything is on the table, but the very first thing I need to know before making any changes is how do you guys like and use these animations 💖

Anyway I LOVE this one so I hope you do too 💦




Instead of multiple variations of a single illustration, maybe just do the animation instead? Or maybe make animations a thing every other month? Like, an animation every even month. I would love to see more animations, but also don't want to make it too much extra work for you each month.


I would probably prefer it be part of a higher tier than anything else. Obviously it's more work and cost for yourself and the animator. It being part of the higher tiers would give access to the people who want it without sacrificing any normal illustrations. The animations are a great bonus, but normal illustrations have a lot more utility as wallpapers and such VS a video. The animation looks great! Looking forward to this month's illustrations.


I don't really care for animated L2D stuff most of the time unless a character I like. I guess include it in a higher tier for people who wants it monthly? Sticking to my $7 per term. Just hope you don't burn out from too much work tho

Rმղძ მl Tհօɾ

Je ne serai pas contre une animation NSFW de temps à autre, en format 16/9, ce serait carrément fabuleux, évidemment selon ton agenda. Merci pour ton travail, j'adore tes waifus


Hello, I am from Taiwan. Most of the following uses GOOGLE translation. Please forgive me if there are any inaccuracies. Thank you. I feel that while the animation looks great, the illustrations are more practical. Animations take a lot of time, so hopefully it doesn't affect the quality of the illustrations. I think the background is one of the souls of illustration, and a good background can perfectly set off the protagonist’s situation. But the background of the current animation looks relatively monotonous. If time permits, I think it would be good to release an animation once a season, replace the illustrations once, and introduce different appearances or scenes at the same time. I really like your painting style, thank you.


I know there are at least some people that love the animated versions so I would never say to not do them. Animated versions just don't currently hold any appeal to me. I will look at them once, think to myself "that was well done", and then never look at them again. However, it very often seems that my opinion on things is an outlier.


I signed on for the Ganyu animation (and pics) back in Term 47. I liked those! If they're like that then I'd be a huge fan, something up close, personal-feeling, and high quality.