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Some of you already noticed that the new illustrations were available as posters 🥰🥰
For everyone else, the new Egypt Queens are now available as art prints on my online store, and as usual they are available on Gumroad as digital packs for anyone who missed it!


I also sent the pack to everyone yesterday, so check your DM's.
if you didn't receive the packs even though you should have, check that Patreon have processed your payment and send me a DM so we can figure it out ✨

Thank you again for your patience with the super late delivery. Hopefully this months will make up for it !

Have a great day everyone




Hello Mitsu, I was wondering if it's normal that I got only charged half the usual fees this month, I'm worried I might miss a pack because of it. Thanks for the great work anyway, looks lovely as usual ! I'm so looking forward to Japan Expo this year <3


Yes ! I only did one pack last month, you didn't miss anything. I can't wait for Japan Expo!


Is it still possible for me to get this pack?