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I thought I'd give an update on things. It's currently Writathon and I'm going to do 55, 555 for both Butcher and Tunnel Rat. Tunnel Rat started as a  Writathon story and then I just didn't want to quit, leaving me writing two at once. Last event I tried to do both, and got Covid in the middle. This time is moving along nicely, and I'm devoting a lot of time to writing.

My editor, however, has been two busy for three months to proofread, so that's also back on me. I appreciate the people that catch my errors. A new writing program and much larger screen is helping with typos.

I'm close to being 5 chapters ahead on both stores, generally as rough drafts. I'd like to get to the point where I am 10 ahead on each story, probably half as rough draft and half finished off. Some rough drafts just get edited for typos, others end up gaining a thousand words. Pushing ahead will make it easier on readers.

Ancient Times is going to continue. They are staying on Patreon and detail behind the scenes stories about the world. The second one is being worked on. Lots of time involved in each.

There is a background story for Runt in the works.

There is a background story involving the Deeprock Engineers in the works.

Both of those will only show up on Patreon.

Thanks for reading.


James Walsh

Keep up the good work! I started reading Tunnel Rat during its Writeathon then discovered Butcher!