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Despite the immense pressure that Julie had been wrapped up in, Piper’s saliva had coated the bouncing breasts in enough lubrication to squeeze and pop Julie out the lower end. Julie splattered onto the floor in a juicy mess of sweat and spit. She was prepared for a moment to lay still and let her body recover what little strength it could before her “playmates” noticed her, but she was quick to notice a cracked door across the locker room, and instead decided to make a run for it. As she crossed from the dressing room to the bathroom, her mind ran through any possible means of recovering from her situation. She had never had a chance to escape before and she’d never even considered the possibility! As she reviewed her courses of action she happened suddenly upon the massive sauntering figure of none other than Olga. She quickly hid behind a stall wall, having ZERO interest in letting that terror of a woman get her hands on her. Looking up she found her nearest path to freedom in the form of a cracked window just above the stall’s toilet. As Julie scaled the toilet and came to stand upon the seat, she become a bit lost in thought. Her mind swirled through a combination of excitement, disbelief, and perhaps even a hint of internal conflict. Whatever it was she felt in that moment, it absolutely screwed her. Olga slammed through the stall door so abruptly that spaced out Julie lost her footing and fell with a mighty splash into the toilet bowl. As Julie broke above the surface of the water, a wide and foreboding shadow cast about her visage. Julie was likely about to learn to NEVER become optimistic again…

I really had a to fight for time while working on this last week but I think it came out alright. Also I’ll again clarify things for those who feel any type of way about the content of this comic or the next one to come. I do not do scat or mess fetish content. No hate to anyone who leans that way but that’s my own personal preference. The closest this comic will come to that type of content is this final panel. The next comic will only be suggestive of what happens next. I won’t be drawing it. But either way, I hope you all enjoy this one!

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Iruma Mob 100

Rest In Peace Julie. You lived…a life. 😂


I freaking love using Olga in unaware situations, she just hits different.


God I cannot wait to see Olga fart again I'm so excited for that next page!

Iruma Mob 100

Honestly though, for an alternate wholesome ending, I could see Piper rushing in after realizing Julie’s missing and figures out where she is, saving Julie. After that horrible experience, Piper decides to be kinder to her and Julie begins to like being there with her. Just an idea for how an alternate wholesome ending could go down for the comic


Olga is best girl! I would love to see more scenes of Olga dominating Julie - intentionally or unintentionally


Olga is the best character by far in this series


Excellent work!👍


Haha yeah a “life” indeed. And honestly if the comic were closer to its finale, that would definitely be a nice alt ending!


Same! I was gonna have her discover Julie in the next comic but I think keeping her unaware is much more interesting!


Love this series! I also really like your story writing ^_^ *me in the back secretly hoping for the vore scene that will probably never come but still enjoying every panel*


Please draw or make a comic about Sakura being butt crushed by Hinata, Ino, Temari, Tenten and Karin