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Piper’s brutal bout of friendly fire had left Trixie gagging for fresh air, and Julie no more free from her predicament as she ever was. Quite the opposite in fact. You see, despite her childish nature, Piper was a calculated woman, with a shocking store of charisma and social skills. She was talented at tormenting people, seducing people, and analyzing them. To Julie, her entire experience with the Softball Squashers thus far was an unparalleled hell, and Piper knew that. But Piper also knows that in more than a few cases, hell is exactly what a person desires. Perhaps Piper knows something that Julie herself doesn’t even realize. Or rather, Piper knows that Julie is near a tipping point in her own mind, and depending how Piper manages her beloved Julie, she could easily fall to one side…or the other… Whatever the case may be, Lucky ol’ Layla is yet again getting to play up close and personal with her captain. And yet again, Julie is coming along for the ride..

I went full head empty mode in the middle of working on this one and just struggled with some of the simplest poses and expressions. I’m happy with the final product but man I was struggling for a second there. Just a weird week I guess. Anyhow, I hope y’all enjoy this one! I’ll be uploading the poll for part 9 tomorrow (12/8) as well as the next tier 4 comic poll.

Also, I apologize to anyone who has left comments or messages that I have yet to reply to. I absolutely value your responses and your commentary! I’m just bad about replying and normally caught up with life stuff. But please keep the communication coming! Even if I don’t reply, I’m still fueled by your responses!

Full Quality Link Below:




Christian Krohn

This has been such a great comic to watch~ It's how I discovered your art, and learned you made the amazing Twintelle comic way back in the day! Keep up the fantastic work and make sure to take some time for yourself this weekend! Also, I have something special I'm working on that I should be able to share with you soon~

Iruma Mob 100

Ah, this is how this could reach the double ending where one is a wholesome ending. Gotcha ^^


It’s crazy think back on the Twintelle comic now haha. And thanks for the kind words! I’m excited to hear more about it!


When Layla knows what’s up, you’ll definitely be in for a ride, her and Piper matching underwear was definitely a neat touch as Layla is a total fan girl for Piper after all. Poor Trixie in the first panel, Piper didn’t lie though, she has to keep all the girls in line with her gassy ass. Julie being teased by Piper yet again, if she doesn’t love it by the end of this, she might just have to fake it to get out of it, either that or she’d be broken from that many girls, she’d never want to leave. Who knows the if the ending will be a sweet release or a sour nightmare. Great work for a head empty state, sometimes your brain doesn’t want to understand the simplest of tasks.