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As Piper giggled to herself over Julie’s unfortunate new accommodations, another member of the team decided to burst onto the scene. Trixie, the bubbly blondie who Julie had already had the pleasure of “playing” with, kicked in the locker room doors with a torrent of energy! The sight of Julie’s exposed rear end attempting to wiggle its way out of Piper’s steamy cheeks was just the sadistic sight she was hoping to see. Meanwhile Julie was left to thrash and suck about for any stuffy cavities of oxygen she could manage. And then suddenly, her soft and steamy prison began to press up, over and all around her struggling figure. She was being completely pressed into puddy by Piper’s aggressively undulating cheeks. Julie began to thrash all the more aggressively to escape the fate of being swallowed any deeper and pressed any flatter by the massive ass. Then, without warning, Piper’s cheeks were spread apart to reveal the the giant and giddy Trixie who wasted no time in planting a wet smooch on Julie’s behind. Julie of course was thrust into immediate fear as she felt the giant ruby lips, the wet tongue and the steaming breath of Trixie begin to ensnare her body….

Trixie has joined the battle! Eagled eyed fans will notice I’ve added a few minor details to Trixie’s character, including the name Trixie lol. Yeah she didn’t have a name until this most recent poll but now she does. Also I wish I had put a little more action into this one but I’m not totally displeased with it either. I hope y’all like it!




Iruma Mob 100

Okay! It’s good to know Julie’s preference when it comes to what she’d rather suffer from. Being kissed and licked by Trixie or being smothered/suffocated by Piper’s butt… I can’t blame her, Piper has a great butt 😆


Very true! 😂 not to mention she’s so much more familiar with Piper’s butt by now. There’s just no place like home

Iruma Mob 100

True true plus let’s face it, part of her is probably attracted to Piper by now so she’d rather stay with who she likes than someone she doesn’t. Not going to lie, since that commission of the two, Julie x Piper is my new ship 😂


Amazing as always my friend *clap clap*


I’d have to say, Trixie’s redesign looks great, the little star on her cheeks and her ear rings are so vibrant, not to mention her luscious lipstick (that has seemingly left a huge mark on Julie’s tiny tush). Looks like Piper has some competition in the “inviting yet smelly cavern department”, Trixie’s mouth looks so inviting but also so humid, no wonder Julie is trying to get back into Piper’s steamy crack, just Trixie’s breath must be as humid as her home so far...though anything is probably better than Olga’s room to Julie now.