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Despite his best efforts, Deku couldn’t resist the intoxicating effects of Midnight’s quirk. The three women pressed their asses up against him, sandwiching the tiny toy in a world of soft and stimulating leather, nylon and skin. Deku’s mind tipped over the deep end and landed in the cracks of the giant heroines. He was suddenly and entirely convinced that he had entered nirvana. Every way he turned, he was met with a face full of steaming, heaving rear end. The heat, the smell, the touch, all of it was a cumulative paradise in his tiny, manipulated mind. You’d think that the women obove would have let this newfound relationship last a while. But something about the balance of the situation felt off to them. All 3 women agreed on a spiritual level that the whole point of a toy…. Is to be toyed with… In that instant, at the very moment Deku had found some twisted sense of ease, it was ripped away from him, and replaced by a massive, earth shattering collection of point blank, high octane flatulence. There was no more appropriate a way to remind him just how fucked he really was after all…

I love the contrast between the second panel and the fourth panel 😂. Hope yall enjoy!

(All character rights go to Studio Bones)





I like the HD upload, hope we can see those to the previous and upcoming parts as well ^^




Love how close heaven is to hell in this one!


Thanks! I’ll upload a post soon that has HD links to all of the previous parts

Kade Turner

Yooo that’s amazing. Going from the highest highs to the most dreadful hopeless lows. You displayed that perfectly with this. Loved it

Haruka Junko

Is it bad that I want him to break and love it anyway


Glad you liked it! I’m happy with the side by side contrast in expressions 😂