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Julie stared up at Piper’s looming ass. With Layla’s powerful thighs keeping her entire body locked into place, she couldn’t even hope to look away before the massive, menacing rear end fell into Layla’s anxious lap with a juicy squelch. As always, Piper’s endless supply of chaotic energy was directly fueled into her butt. The heaving hips bounced up and down, slid left and right, and grinded down down down with immense pressure. Julie was absolutely steam pressed between Layla’s hefty thighs and Piper’s much too familiar and much too juicy rear end. After a fairly drawn out bout of lap dancing, Piper stood up to review her work, only to find that Julie had disappeared. As she stood puzzled for a moment, a very familiar sensation made its way up from her rear end. To Piper’s amusement, her beloved little toy had been very effectively jammed up her own crack. If Layla weren’t lost in a fit of Ecstasy after having been blessed by her idol’s ass, the room would have been filled with laughter at the sorry sight of Julie’s wedged little body. Instead, all that could be heard was Piper’s teasing remarks, and a verrrry muffled whimper…

Finally finished this between all the moving. But I’m all moved in now! Time to grind out the X rated, Tier 4 My Hero comic and hit the next Softball Squashing! Plus I need to go ahead and master Twitter as well as preview this comic on DA. Lots to do. Also for whatever reason, I’ve noticed that Patreon is compressing all of my comic uploads which is lowering the quality a significant amount. I haven’t found a fix to this issue yet but I’m still digging. If anyone knows a way around this, then please send me a message!



Iruma Mob 100

How many parts did you say that this Softball Squashing was going to be again? I forgot 😅 Wondering because I remember you mentioning a possible optional wholesome ending for this in the commission of Julie x Piper.


I’m shooting for 20 parts! And yeah I’m still interested in doing a wholesome alternate ending to this one!


I love all of this so much its so hot