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It’s been an awful long time since I’ve taken commissions but the time has come yet again. Naturally, doing commissions is gonna take a good chunk of time so a few things are gonna change for that period, starting on Monday (the 1st).


The Commission price list and date slots will be uploaded soon. DO NOT MESSAGE ME BEFORE IT IS UPLOADED. I won’t reply to commission requests that are made before I upload the commission price list and date slots. As always, It’s first come, first served. Note: I may have to delay the reopening since my Paypal got caught up in some refund debacle (or possible scam) so I need to get that cleared away before processing transactions.


For the duration of the commission process (next month and possibly the month after) I won’t be able to make custom comics for Tier 4 members. Doing commissions as well as keeping up with the My Hero and Softball Squashing comics will simply take too much time. Instead I’m going to be making a private comic upload for tier 4 members only. The details of this comic will be voted on by tier 4 members. It could be an exclusive comic part for The Softball Squashing or My Hero comics. It could be a whole new comic that members decide the details of. Etc. One thing’s for sure; the comic polls for this tier will include much more SEXUAL OPTIONS than ever before. This includes anal vore, insertion, complete nudity and anything else we can think up (or they can be kept the same way they’ve always been. It’s up to he members)This exclusive comic will also be fully hyper shaded like the tier 4 custom comics have been so far. HOWEVER: keep in mind that this change is in order to spare more time for myself to work on commissions. That means that these comics (while having excessive detail and shading) will be limited to one per month. This will sound like a fair trade for some of you but not for others and that’s totally understandable. Your support is of great value to me so I want to keep this tier open for those interested in offering the help. If the $20 per month is worth participating in creating a new exclusive comic then by all means stick around or join the tier to participate and view the exclusive comic. But if it doesn’t sound worth it then please go to your membership setting and cancel or switch to a lower tier for the meantime. I’ll reiterate…

CURRENT TIER 4 MEMBERS: Review the changes above and decide whether or not to change your membership before the 1st of August (Monday)

INTERESTED PATRONS: Review the changes above and decide whether you’d like to join Tier 4. JOINING WON’T BE AVAILABLE UNTIL AFTER THE 1st OF AUGUST. This is so no one is charged twice between now and then.


Naturally I’ll have to cut back on the weekly comics as well while I’m doing commissions. But I’ll only be cutting back to 1 part per week. And for the rest of the time I’ll be uploading exclusive commission comics (with the permission of the commissioners of course).

And that’s it! Quite a lot to change with such a short notice I know, but Progress has been good and I want to make sure it keeps getting better. As always, please leave a comment if you have a question about upcoming commissions, the changes to Tier 4, and anything else you have in mind. Also I’ll be getting to everyone’s private messages soon.

(Wait until AFTER August 1st before joining tier 4 if you’re interested. You’ll only be charged for the difference between your current membership price and the Tier 4 price)



The YouTube links for some of your animations don’t work, could you post them as download links or something so we can see them please?