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Changelog 11.3.0

Functionality Updates:

- Directory Organization: Items have now been organized into folders according to their pack.

- Template Rendering for In-Game Messages: We've transitioned our in-game messages to use renderTemplate for rendering HTML content.

- Configurable Console Logging: Implemented a new logging system that allows for toggling verbose console output. This can be enabled or disabled in the module settings, providing real-time diagnostic messages that can be useful for debugging or monitoring the module's behavior.

Item Updates:

- Warden of Past Moments v2:

Effect Renaming: The defensive time-manipulation effect, previously named "Damage Reduction", is now called "Chrono Evasion". When activated, this effect teleports the user to their last position, evading damage and potentially disorienting the attacker.

Effect Image Update: The image for the "Warden of Past Moments (do not touch this)" effect has been updated.

Macro improvements and fixes for:

- Maces of Tempest v3

- Colossus Cleaver v2

- Swift Strike (Shortsword) v5

- Shockalus (Maul) v5

- Void Vortex v5

- Portal Dagger v5

- Death Kiss Blade v4

- Helm of the Charging Bull v5: Resolved a bug where the post-charge message incorrectly displayed "Failed" regardless of the actual result.

- Wyrm Bond v4: Fixed an issue with asynchronous iteration in the effects cleanup process which could previously lead to unexpected behavior.

- Circlet of Energy Absorption v4

- Sword of the Broken One v4

- Dromedary's Portation v1:

- Glacial Shard Dagger v2: Visual Effect it's now stackable.



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