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Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

"Remember timekeeper, moments once passed are not gone, but merely await our return."

This exceptional pocket clock is crafted from rare gemstones and precious metals. The watch face is a miniature work of art, displaying the numbers of the hours as ancient constellation symbols that glow softly in the dark. When you look closely, the second hand seems to jitter, as if hesitating to move forward. The pocket clock irresistibly draws the eye when displayed.

Temporal Reaction: Once per long rest, if you are hit by an attack, you can use your reaction to activate the pocket clock. You are then teleported back to the position you occupied at the start of your last turn, and you take no damage from the attack. If the attack was a melee attack, the attacker must succeed on a Perception check (DC 12) or become incapacitated until the end of its next turn, left reeling in confusion by your vanishing act. If you chose to use your reaction while remaining in the same location as the previous round, the item fails to teleport you, and you'll still take the attack's damage as usual.

Temporal Quickstep: You gain a +5 bonus to initiative rolls, always seeming to act just a moment before others.


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