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Unfortunately the news has been thrown a curveball - but in the grand scheme, everything is still really good! Just frustrating.



Patreon update 10/29/23 (or 2023-10-29 if you prefer)



Darren Pierce

Something to consider about flex space - make sure you know what business your neighboring suites are into. Quite often your neighbors will be LOUD and at random times. And if there's rules about what occupants are and aren't supposed to be doing (no "light automotive" for example), and somebody's breaking those rules, your landlord will likely not care as long as they're paying rent. The politics in flex space parks can be surprisingly hicks-ville. We eventually bought land and built our own "flex space".


Thanks for sharing! Really enjoy the spontaneous bits as well. And your plan sounds good to me. Will it be a hassle selling the current headquarters?


I found that I really identified with this. I bought a house back almost 15 years ago, when I had a partner I lived with and it seemed like it made sense for us both. We've since parted ways, and I tried for years after that to convince myself that this house made sense, because it's such a nice little house, that I've put a lot of work into, and I have great neighbors. But it just doesn't. I want a place with waaaay less living space, and waaay more workshop space, and there's no way to do that in this property without taking down the house, and it's too lovely a little house to ruin. Someone else would love it. So now I'm looking to buy land, because I spent years trying to find the right place, and realized that it doesn't exist. Anyway, that's my long-winded way of saying, I'm really happy for you that you're making the right move for you at your current place in life. We learn as we go what works best, and we shouldn't hang on to things that don't work. I, for one, loved this update! :)


I'm not sure what it's like in Chicagoland, but where I live it seems like there's a ton of abandoned service stations. I feel like that could kind of work as a sort of flex space you can drive a car into, but there also could be some restrictions or problems I'm not thinking of.

Raul Ramos

Sounds like a sound plan to me. Nothing is perfect but when frustration builds up, you need to do something about it. I also understand your reluctancy to share personal stuff, and it must be difficult. Keep it up and do a small tour of the new headquarters!

Johnathan Reale

Between your mention of Christmas light coloring strategies and watching some of your older videos, I’ve been inspired: place each white light behind its own miniature CBS field sequential color wheel running at extremely slow speeds. Connecting technology to insanity.

Joe Boone

Your videos make me interested in things I didn't know I was interested in. So glad I found your dish washer videos. Please keep it up.

Max Byrd

I really appreciated the candid behind the scenes look. Thank you!