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I forgot one thing! It's the candle that sits to the left of the cassettes (in the cell directly to the left of my head). Everything else, though? I think I might have pulled this off.

For this, the first video at HQ, I used the old lights and even rigged the hair light like it was so that the reflection in the CRT isn't that different from what it is normally. I'm really going crazy over this, aren't I? Oh well. I'll deal with permanent light rigging (with the new lights and ceiling-mounted) once this video is ready for you.

New table is obviously different, but I hopefully chose one that's not too different and people won't notice... in any case I like it! I honestly would have bought the same table again, but sadly it's not made anymore.

Oh! And acoustics. I've got a temporary solution that's worked pretty well. In fact, the sound doesn't seem all that acoustically different from before. And there were no interruptions at all! Perfect silence the whole time. One huge benefit of being in the middle of nowhere. I'll make another HQ video, since some have asked for it, once the lighting is in and I'll show you the acoustic stuff, too.

You can probably tell the topic of this video... at least generally. You might call this one of my classic "how does this work" videos, but with a bit of angsty frustration built-in.

There's a lot of B-roll and editing to do still, but I'm hoping to have this ready for you by Thursday, Friday at the latest, so that I can squeeze this in before the end of March.

Thanks for making HQ possible!




As a maker, it really sucks that eink isn't used more. Such beautiful displays that are such a pain to make projects with because there are so few commercial products.


If it helps calm your anxiety about getting everything exactly right, I didn't even notice the new table despite BOTH knowing it was going to be changing from the last update and explicitly reading that it had in this one.

Stephen Bell

Personally, I think I'd be inclined to change the things on the back shelves regularly - add new intriguing bits and pieces and shuffle them around. It would be another way to keep people coming back - just to see what you've changed this time. :)


Congrats! :D And yeah, definitely don't worry about the scenario being a super exact match. It looks awesome!


Speaking of E-Ink, a while back my father purchased a Sony Digital Paper System, a large E-Ink tablet with a 13-inch screen. It's a very awesome (and light!) tablet very useful for taking notes and reading PDFs, but at $800 even after a discount, it was just a little less expensive than my i7 laptop.


Needs more toaster.




Love the Biff's shirt!


I fully intend on doing this as my collection of knickknacks improves. In all honesty, I ran out of stuff when I was first putting this together! There were a few things I could have added but then it was borderline overcrowded, but now that I've got some more high-quality candidates, I'll certainly be swapping what's in there from time to time! In fact, what I'd like to do is put every item from the last video somewhere in the set, assuming it can fit. Make it evolve with the topics as they're presented.


By George........I think he's GOT IT !! Congrats Alec. Looking forward to future videos from your new "digs". the "set" looks terrific. No doubt that's because you are sooooooo ANAL., Heck, that's why I admire you so. So much like me. Keep 'em coming my friend. We'll keep on supporting your efforts for sure. VGC

Insider Chad

New set looks great! Awesome job. You're a perfectionist like me, which has it's pros and cons, a big pro being that you pay super close attention to detail in your videos and research which is one of the reasons I love your channel :) The con being that it's easy to obsess about everything being 100% perfect which can take extra time. But I'm glad it doesn't hold you back and you still continue to push forward even if something isn't exactly as you want it. I'd really appreciate another behind the scenes video in the future showing your lighting setup. Also would be great to hear how you're liking/not liking your new teleprompter! I bought the same one you did once I heard you got it. I'm excited to try it out. Curious how you have yours in your setup off-camera. P.S. I didn't notice the table had changed until you pointed it out. My attention was more on the 'cubbies of awesomeness' behind you ;-)