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My parents bought a Bolt EV a few weeks ago (here it is charging at my place the day they bought it).   That's handy, isn't it?  I never thought I'd get my hands on one for at least a few years.  Well of course, I haven't really.  This isn't my car.

Yes, my EV-angelism has infected my parental units, in part because they are able to take advantage of off-peak charging and pay something like 2.4 cents per kilowatt hour to charge the thing.  Man that's cheap. 

Anyway, being that they're my folks and all, I will be able to make some videos about this (uncontained excitement)!  They've agreed that we can trade cars occasionally so I can get a feel for the car and formulate ideas on it.

Now I'm not here to write a story (that's what my videos are for), but I thought I'd share some of my ideas and gauge your interest in the subject.  Many of you may not have seen my earlier videos about electric cars (my personal car being a 2013 Chevy Volt), and newer patrons may not have seen my earlier post about a video on electric car charging in condo-type situations--it will still be coming at some point in the not-too-distant future.

My parents live in the country, about 130 miles (210 km) West of Chicago (and 115-ish from me) and yet this car works for them.  That's a video topic in and of itself, I think, because even in a RURAL area this car's range more than exceeds their needs.  I'm also thinking of doing a video on real-world winter range and operating costs of the car, as all I've really seen are estimates.  This is the first long range non-Tesla offered coast-to-coast in the US so there's not a lot of context available out there.  Spoiler alert--I have taken it to work once and it cost $2.40 for me to make my 35 mile each way commute in 20F (-6.6C) weather.  That's paying a flat $0.10/kWh.  

Would you like to see these videos?  And do you have any other ideas regarding the Chevy Bolt, Volt, or electric vehicles in general?  Please let me know.

Of course I'd like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.  I hope you are all well and enjoying the festivities.  Thank you, as always, for your generous support.



Matt Falcon

Yes! Ahh, awesome! First I see The 8-Bit Guy driving around in an i3, now you with a Bolt. Leaf here, and a Model 3 waited-in-line reservation holder. ;) Of course I'd love to see more EV topics! Shameless self-promotion as one of the engineers of it - have 'em get a JuiceBox! Except -- ahh, there's already a Clipper Creek there, oh well. More EV love for the win!


Well, electric cars aren’t really why I’m a patron, but I definitely found your previous videos on the subject interesting and informative. You’re not going to lose me over it, but please don’t stray too far from your regularly schedule programming.

Stephen Bell

Merry Christmas Alec. Anything you can do to promote the uptake of EVs is a great idea. My partner and I are founder members of the Electric Automobile Association here in the UK and I am webmaster of www.Electraa.org.uk. We also made the Q&A and Road Trip videos on that site. We have had a Leaf for over three years. There is loads of B-roll footage on-line to help. If we can be of any assistance drop me/us an email or send a message through the website. Looking forward to the videos. S.


Not to worry--any videos on EVs are essentially going to be "Bonus Videos" uploaded alongside another one. I realize how weirdly divisive the subject can be so I wouldn't want to alienate subscribers over it.


A JuiceBox was on my short list! The Clipper Creek is mine, but my parents have a charger from Siemens (can't recall the model, it's a 30A charger and was purchased on-sale from Costco of all places). One important thing which will be covered in my video on condo charging is that my CC charger is 32A, but because I'm on a commercial three phase supply, it only works out to 6.6 kW @ 208V. My parent's charger is on 240, so even though it's a "smaller" charger it's able to push 7.2 kW. I've been working on my parents for a couple years now, and when they added a shed near their driveway a couple years ago (they don't have a garage) they had a 100A sub panel installed there. Over the summer they bought the charger and I installed it for them, and having realized they could now charge a Bolt in 9-10 hours with their very cheap rates, they pulled the trigger!


It's wonderful to hear that I've got the support of someone with your EV credentials! I shall certainly keep you in mind if something crops up. Merry Christmas!


Oh wow! I'm definitely looking forward to seeing the videos on it! For now I'm fine with my VW (even though gas costs a fortune over here) but my next car might be a hybrid or something like that.

Kyle Olson

I'm completely biased because I used to write software for EV and Fuel Cell vehicles, but I can't say I'm as interested in EV related content because it doesn't seem as magical to me as learning how older technology works. That said, you're a great presenter and I'm sure you could put a new spin on it.


I would love to see more stuff on the topic. I love seeing videos on ev, but the concentrate so heavily on the Tesla’s, I don’t think they accurately reflect what a truely mass market vehicle option would be. Tesla’s are so awesome, but also still considered a premium brand. Knowing what you get when you buy an electric Chevy would be cool. It’s longitudinal cost compared to a model s and 3 as well as its amenities would be awesome!