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On a very frustrating note, my last talking head wasn't usable because the chroma key was no good.  The shirt I was wearing required too much matte generation and cleanup, which then started removing my hair, too.  Oops.

Unfortunately I've been somewhat delayed due to this mishap.  I rather stupidly shot the talking head and didn't touch it at all until I spent a spell with my parents, and with the footage spoiled I brought my laptop along for nothing, and couldn't proceed until I returned home.  Again, Oops.

Many of you probably got notice of how Patreon is shifting the cost of fees onto Patrons.  While I realize this is a creator-friendly initiative, I also understand that this change affects $1 patrons the most--the cost of your support increases by almost 40%.  Which is a bummer.  With that said, I understand why I've seen a few $1 pledges deleted.

As I'm not currently supporting any creators (that's an unwritten part of my $500 goal) I don't have much experience from the other side.  For instance, I am assuming that the change affects only the total of your support, and not the amount you support of every individual creator.  If it's the latter, I can imagine this could be very damaging to those who support many creators in small amounts.  I can only trust that Patreon will be monitoring the response to this, and see if adjustments are necessary.  I'm happy I only saw a few people go, and I'm equally happy so many of you have stayed on.  Thank you.

But for now, know that the current topic has been split into three parts!  Yes that's right, I included an odds-and-ends section which continues to get longer.  Without making that a separate video, the next video would be about 25 minutes long.  So, expect two upcoming videos on the topic of color television, with the second more of a bonus.

I'm taking a day of PTO this week at work, and with the way my hours are managed now, that means I only work Monday!  I have the entire rest of the week off.  So, I'll have plenty of time to tackle the increasingly mountainous housework I've been putting off, and make content for your eyeballs.  Stay tuned!



Sadly it's the latter option... the fees apply per creator, because eventually they're going to break the charges apart. I'm not terribly affected by this (and am lucky that I can afford the change), but anecdotally from my Twitter feed it's not been good for some folks :/ Glad it's not been too bad so far for you - keep up the great videos!


That's quite frustrating, then. I wonder if they'll reverse course. I was never bothered with the fees. I wonder how many creators actually were--I know I'm new to this, but the old system seemed perfectly fair. This sounds like an initiative from Patreon higher-ups that saw it as a good idea and convinced themselves any perceived downsides were unwarranted.


i for one am a bit shall we say "twisted " about the change , i am on a very fixed income and therefore i make a number of small contributions . unfortunately i will be forced to make some changes that i really dont want to . because i do enjoy making the contributions i do make it will be tough to decide where to cut back ....... as it is it will be a tough Christmas season here for several reasons , hurricane irma was very costly for me and health issues has been costly as well with treatment costs that will continue thru spring of 2018 at best , there is going to have to be some serious belt tightening .