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I thought my channel was pretty safe from this happening given the nature of its content, but my most recent upload has received the dreaded "Not suitable for most advertisers" flag.  Obviously this is a case of the algorithm being overly sensitive or just mistaken, but it sucks!  I have requested a review, but it will take a while to process, and in general your biggest chunk of revenue from a new video comes from the first week.

This is particularly frustrating because this video has been an absolutely dreadful weight on my mind, and I wasn't happy with where it was going for a long time.  Now that I finally have it public, it's half-dead.  It is still being circulated and viewed (thankfully) and I can see a small surge in new subscribers which is great(!), but it's not generating much if any revenue for me.

But you are.  I am so happy I have your support, and this little hiccup has only made me appreciate it more.

Thank you.




Might be because of the gun?


That's the only thing I can think of, but it seems unlikely to me. It is after all a toy gun. If that is the cause (which I'm sure I'll never know for sure) then that's a real flaw in the algorithm that YouTube needs to address!


YouTube needs to get its sh!7 together. These false positives are hurting science and education creators.

