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Hello all! I have a simpler (and sillier) video for you today:


I was hoping to have this done yesterday so I'm going to do a rapid turnaround and publish it tomorrow afternoon. I have another video that's already pretty far along (it needed experimentation which I did last week) and I'll be moving right into working on that script. It's a topic that's related to home comfort, and since I just did the awning video, I wanted to push it back and do something simple first.

This was in my ideas document and I it's been there for a long time. I wasn't super great at making sure I referenced where the idea came from back then so if any of you recommended this topic to me, I'm sorry that I forgot!

Other notes - on Friday I have something very cool getting delivered. I will let you know what that is in a video update, possibly on Friday depending on when it arrives. That will be a video topic of course, but it'll be a while before I pursue making it.

And the Q&A video on Aztec, plus sights and sounds, is going to take priority once I have some sense of how the next video is going along. The first few days of August are going to pull me away from the office so I'm trying to get a lot done before that happens.

Last order of business, the livestream rig has had zero progress! Hooray! I've done a teeny tiny bit of looking into what I need to get to make that happen but a jumble of ideas is buzzing around my head in a way that rarely happens so I've back-burnered that for now. You'll probably just get a surprise post about a live stream test at some point :)

Okay, well, toodles! And thanks so much for being here.


Passive infrared sensors: a two-bit camera powered by crystals

I've given absolutely no thought into what I'm gonna title this puppy


Mark Lefler

Ultrasonic motion sensors which use Doppler shift are also quite interesting, although they're used a lot less in security now because passive infrared is so much cheaper


All this talk about balance & imbalance makes me think these things are actually measuring The FORCE!