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As some of you guys know, I've been dipping my toes into game development for a while now. I was mostly doing artwork for small projects, but now Im super pleased to announce my first ever game: Adventure Guild!

It's a short mini game, an homage to the Game and Watch of old so to speak, but you can unlock cool (and lewd) CGs if you get a high enough score!

I hope you guys have fun with this, I had a blast making it and I can't wait to make more games for you!

Best of luck, happy gaming and thanks so much for all your support!!!!






Cool stuff!


Yo that’s sweet!


Amazing how you did a game! Played abit of it already and MAN is it hard, haha. But it is really cute!

Onyx Shard

Congrats!! Sounds like fun!!


My only real complaint with it at the moment is the iffy hitbox detection for the game sprites as either something detects too soon or too late in terms of when it hits a particular spot, which has cost me more than a few lives at this point. Is there any sort of checkpoint system at the higher scores? Because having to start over gets a bit demoralizing after numerous fails you feel like you couldn't avoid.



Esteban Ramon

same as the gamingdavester complaint. I was more than sure than i had a few, but it gets rather demoralizing once you have to start all over again.

Kensei Hokuto

Oh shit. Time to try it out


I'm not sure what kind of system is used to generate which items and on what timings, but currently I have ran into multiple scenarios where is is impossible to catch all the items at once. (Examples being a gem on it's 3rd bounce and a chest spawning at the entrance landing at roughly the same time, or two gems with Synced falling speeds on bounce 2 and 3, followed by a chest spawning). The "how to play" section also does not make any note of Bones being bad to catch. Otherwise, great art and design.


Is there a way to see all the art in the files?


I love it, and am happy you released this! However I have the same problem as GamingDavestar. I feel like a checkpoint system would be very beneficial. (I played for 9 hours and couldn't beat my previous high score of 788, which I got to on the second hour. ^^")


is there a way to make it quieter? the music is really loud for me