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Those two? Its been years since they were an item, yet they act like a married couple, always bickering and getting at eachother's throat.
You'd think this constant arguments between them would make them a bad team, but in reality they cover each other weaknesses very well, and they do care for eachother.

Tubbs had a hard time understanding  that Twig is a free spirit and ultimately had to break up with him, but they still remain close friends.

However, Twig loves to boasts about his exploits with other females, to her annoyance.
A week ago Tubbs had enough and they got into a huge fight, and as a result they stopped talking to eachother. I have never seen them like this before, it was pretty bad.
That was until tonight, when i saw Tubbs going to Twig's room to talk things out.
Then 10 minutes later everyone in the ship could hear them relieving the tension that has been building up over the years

she couldn't stop moaning his name out loud and proclaiming her love to him, asking Twig to get back with her. All that could be heard from him was his usual trashtalking.
Im pretty sure Twig gets some sick enjoyment on making her suffer by not giving any clear answer.
... or maybe he did whisper something back?

all i know is that so far they have remained friends, but Tubbs has been more chipper than usual, so, who knows?




jmjmjm unstoppable duo 💖🔥✨🔥💖

Cosmos Arts

idk if i should say its cute or kinky




It's interesting to read your lore and see how deep your characters are outside of just the sex.