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so, flat colors added! now i need to work on backgrounds and shading. i hope i finish with this before the weekend c:


Are you insterested in asking a question about the whole animation process ? please feel free to shoot in the comments!

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The big question would be: How long does it usually take to make an animation like this?


Is your method to draw the "skeleton" of the character moving around on each planned frame, then to draw the Sketch around that, then to add Linework and colours? Additionally, how many frames-per-second do you tend to use?


Yes, thats basically it, the sketch layer is usually to add the "muscles" to that "skeleton", adding key movements and adding notes on specific movements that i will have to work on during the linework. Finally the colors which usually tend to be more faster, i also take time to make small corrections and try to work around some complex stuff like overlaping layers and polish some ugly lines. And i tend to go for 20 fps or 24 fps when its just about animations. If we are talking about, lets say, videogame assets, i have to work with 60 fps.


Depends a lot on my strenght of will xd. It can take from several weeks to a couple months depending on the duration. Animating the sketch is easy, the linework and post processing tends to be frustrating. Also polishing, there is always something to polish on every animation, from odd looking frames to just that one stroke you cant avoid noticing everytime you test the animation. Also testing the animation. i spend 30% of the time looping these things to make sure it looks good enough when i publish it. I usually tend to take long breaks from these projects, its time consuming and sometimes not fun. Once i get back to it my mind is refreshed and ready to go. It takes more mental effort to make a traditional-like animation.