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Using my brain very hard i have this idea, so let me know if you guys like it or not:

You can nominate a character in the open list of characters that i will draw around the month (for normal draw or very little sequences)

I will try to draw all the nominated characters around one month, but using a priority system based on the likes (in case the number of people in this subscription level increment sufficiently for not allow me to draw all the nominated characters)

-More likes= I will draw that character first

-Everyone can suggest one character per month

-The usual privilege of suggest and vote for the situation/context for the monthly sequence will continue (the normal thing)

-The new mechanic will apply starting the month, so the post asking you what character you want will be available around the 1-4 first days of the month

-You can also make a little suggest about the situation, the pose, or the characteristics of the draw (remember, for this, individual draws or very little sequences)

-If the number of people in this subscription level increment too much the list of characters that i couldn´t draw in one month will pass to the next month with priority

-The priority system will be:

+Five characters with more likes in the monthly post

+The rest of characters with more likes in relation from the most popular and the less popular

+The remaining characters of the past month that i couldn't draw (the less popular in the "past month")

+The less popular characters in the "present month"



Very nice idea I think.